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My Opinion:: FBI: The German – New Abwehr, the Russian, and the Israeli footprints are evident all over your spectacular failures. The FBI is the only one who does not see them, because they do not want to and are not capable of seeing them.

 Media Investigation Identifies 45,000 Russian Soldiers Killed in Ukraine


It only included the names of soldiers publicly identified in open-source data – mainly obituaries – and warned the real toll may be twice as high.

Tweets from Michael Novakhov – TNT – The News And Times –
@mikenov: RT @SecBlinken: Met with Azerbaijani President Aliyev today to emphasize the importance of the U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relationship. I ra…
Met with Azerbaijani President Aliyev today to emphasize the importance of the U.S.-Azerbaijan bilateral relationship. I raised the importance of human rights and reiterated U.S. support for a durable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) February 17, 2024
@mikenov: – BRAVA!!! The News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия… – BRAVA!!! The News And Times Review #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024
@mikenov: RT @TheArmenianBoy: @SecBlinken Peace, stability & prosperity for the #SouthCaucasus can only be achieved when the warmongering dictatorshi…
Peace, stability & prosperity for the #SouthCaucasus can only be achieved when the warmongering dictatorship #Azerbaijan together with #Aliyev & all those complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Armenians from #Artsakh are sanctioned! #SanctionAzerbaijan #SanctionAliyev— հայ տղա 🇦🇲  (@TheArmenianBoy) February 20, 2024…
@mikenov: RT @mikenov: #SouthCaucasus Pashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference
#SouthCaucasusPashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 19, 2024
@mikenov: RT @GAMZIRI24: ⁦@NikolPashinyan⁩: “Highly appreciated @Bundeskanzler efforts to support the dialogue and ensure peace and stability in the…
⁦@NikolPashinyan⁩:“Highly appreciated @Bundeskanzler efforts to support the dialogue and ensure peace and stability in the #SouthCaucasus region.”— GAMZIRI24 (@GAMZIRI24) February 17, 2024
@mikenov: #FBI: The German – New Abwehr, the Russian, and the Israeli footprints are evident all over your spectacular failures. The FBI is the only one who does not see them, because they do not want to and are not capable of seeing them. Because the FBI is… The German – New Abwehr, the Russian, and the Israeli footprints are evident all over your spectacular failures. The FBI is the only one who does not see them, because they do not want to and are not capable of seeing them. Because the FBI is…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024
@mikenov: RT @AgenciaAJN: Ex director del Mossad advirtió: «Será muy difícil para Israel pelear en dos frentes» – #Israel #Mossad #Líbano #Hezbollah…
Ex director del Mossad advirtió: «Será muy difícil para Israel pelear en dos frentes» – #Israel #Mossad #Líbano #Hezbollah— Agencia AJN (@AgenciaAJN) February 20, 2024
@mikenov: RT @DGBoudreau: How the CIA Destabilizes the World #AP #UPI #Reuters #ABC #CBS #NBC #msnbc #BBC #BBCNews #TheGuardi…
How the CIA Destabilizes the World #AP #UPI #Reuters #ABC #CBS #NBC #msnbc #BBC #BBCNews #TheGuardian #TheTelegraph #TheTimes #TheSun #UN #EC #EurPar #MEP #MEPs #UNCHR #UNGA #UNSC #USSenate #USHouse #SIC #HIC #WhiteHouse #ODNI #DNI— Donald G Boudreau, PhD, MPA (@DGBoudreau) February 16, 2024

@mikenov: The News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия… News And Times Review #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024
@mikenov: #FBI: The German – New Abwehr, the Russian, and the Israeli footprints are evident all over your spectacular failures. The FBI is the only one who does not see them, because they do not want to and are not capable of seeing them. Because the FBI is… The German – New Abwehr, the Russian, and the Israeli footprints are evident all over your spectacular failures. The FBI is the only one who does not see them, because they do not want to and are not capable of seeing them. Because the FBI is…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024
@mikenov: RT @Robert4787: FBI went on wild goose chase as FBI informant Alexander Smirnov peddled false info to them about President Biden and Hunter…
FBI went on wild goose chase as FBI informant Alexander Smirnov peddled false info to them about President Biden and Hunter Biden that he got from Russian spies! A web of deceit unravels as the truth comes to light. #FBI #RussianSpies #HunterBiden— Robert Morton (@Robert4787) February 21, 2024
@mikenov: RT @SpiesVespers: OTD Feb 20, 2001 #CNN breaks news #FBI traitor #Robert_Hanssen claimed to be inspired by #Kim_Philby’s My Silent War when…
OTD Feb 20, 2001 #CNN breaks news #FBI traitor #Robert_Hanssen claimed to be inspired by #Kim_Philby’s My Silent War when he read it at 14. Philby!— SPIES&VESPERS (@SpiesVespers) February 20, 2024
@mikenov: – Full Text and Audio Post The News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия… – Full Text and Audio Post The News And Times Review #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024

@mikenov: AUDIOI POST – Russian spies are back—and more dangerous than ever In late 2022, the study says, Russia realised that it needed more honest reporting from its agencies. It put Sergei Kiriyenko, the Kremlin’s deputy chief of staff, in charge of “committees…
AUDIOI POST – Russian spies are back—and more dangerous than ever In late 2022, the study says, Russia realised that it needed more honest reporting from its agencies. It put Sergei Kiriyenko, the Kremlin’s deputy chief of staff, in charge of “committees…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 21, 2024…
@mikenov: RT @thedailybeast: A bankruptcy judge ruled on Tuesday that to appeal the $148 million ruling in his recent defamation case, Rudy Giuliani…
A bankruptcy judge ruled on Tuesday that to appeal the $148 million ruling in his recent defamation case, Rudy Giuliani must acquire third-party funding that’s approved by the court.— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) February 20, 2024
@mikenov: RT @JamesLLandis: 32 year old American citizen Ksenia Karelina was detained in Russia for ‘high treason.’ Her crime? Raising $51 for the U…
32 year old American citizen Ksenia Karelina was detained in Russia for ‘high treason.’Her crime? Raising $51 for the Ukrainian Army.If convicted she faces 20 years in jail— James Landis #Fella 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇨🇿 (@JamesLLandis) February 20, 2024
@mikenov: RT @MailOnline: Chinese medicine expert reveals how regularly you should REALLY be having sex in order to stay healthy at every age
Chinese medicine expert reveals how regularly you should REALLY be having sex in order to stay healthy at every age – claiming regular orgasms are key for fighting off disease AND stress— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 20, 2024
@mikenov: RT @igorsushko: 🚨 US citizen Ksenia Khavana faces 20 years in prison in Russia for trumped up charges of “treason.” Currently in detention…
🚨 US citizen Ksenia Khavana faces 20 years in prison in Russia for trumped up charges of “treason.” Currently in detention in Yekaterinburg. The Los Angeles resident donated $51.80 to Razom for Ukraine, a US charity, on February 24, 2022 – the day Russia invaded Ukraine (again).— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko)…
@mikenov: RT @Gerashchenko_en: Russian spies are back and more dangerous than ever — The Economist. According to the Royal United Services Institute…
Russian spies are back and more dangerous than ever — The Economist.According to the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), Russian intelligence services have learned the lessons of the past two years, when they were massively exposed in the EU, and many special operations…— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) February…

@mikenov: RT @Newsweek: Donald Trump mocked for empty seats at Mar-a-Lago event
Donald Trump mocked for empty seats at Mar-a-Lago event— Newsweek (@Newsweek) February 20, 2024