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It may sound strange but I will say it: It is very foolish of Hamas to be so willing and ready to serve as the COVER, Smokescreen, and the VICTIMS for the Putin – Wagner aggression against Israel. And it would be very foolish of Israel to refuse to see the Truth and not to dig it deeper.

 Michael Novakhov

It may sound strange but I will say it: It is very foolish of Hamas to be so willing and ready to serve as the COVER, Smokescreen, and the VICTIMS for the Putin – Wagner aggression against Israel. And it would be very foolish of Israel to refuse to see the Truth and not to dig it deeper. After the US, there no more natural and closer potential Allies than Israel and Arabs. The Saudis realized this and were on the cusp of the concluding and signing the epochal, historical Peace Treaty.
Putin derailed it: It is not in his interests.
It may sound very strange but I will say it, on behalf of the Tribe of Nova (Noa): Gay relations (although often effervescent) do transcend the geographical boundaries, ethnicities, and religions; they contribute to the social understanding and acceptance and to peace between the nations, including Israel and Arabs.
Putin and other nationalists, both Arab and Jewish, and the cheap, primitive religious hypocrites of various kinds are mortally afraid of it and they fight it with all their might.
They’ve lost. When the dust settles, the inevitable processes of the Reconciliation and the Consolidation will start again.
8:28 AM 11/27/2023