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ISIS outraged over kremlin’s attempts to blame Ukraine for Crocus Hall terrorist attack – Saved Web Pages

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Saved Web Pages – Audio Posts

ISIS outraged over kremlin’s attempts to blame Ukraine for Crocus Hall terrorist attack
Copied It was reported in the Al-Naba newspaper, which is published on behalf of ISIS. “After the high-profile defeat, Russia found no choice but to send a “conspiracy charge” against its opponents in the “Western camp” to evade the recognition of its great failure before the Mujahideen,” Ruslan Suleymanov,…
СМИ: «Крокус Сити Холл» находился в залоге у Газпромбанка
В Алтайском крае введён режим чрезвычайной ситуации в связи с паводкомВ Нижегородской области появится национальный парк «Нижегородское Поволжье»Большинство участников опроса ВЦИОМ – 94% – считают себя патриотами РФПрезидент Украины Зеленский уволил ряд советников, в том числе своего первого помощника Сергея ШефираВ РФ подорожает кофе из-за неурожая…

Russia Arrests Concert Hall Attack ‘Financier,’ Claims Ukraine Link
Russian authorities have arrested a suspected “financier” of last week’s deadly concert hall attack, Russia’s top investigative body said Thursday, claiming that Ukraine had paid “large amounts” to the perpetrators. “Another suspect involved in the terrorist financing scheme has been identified and detained,” Russia’s Investigative Committee said…

Russia Arrests Concert Hall Attack ‘Financier,’ Claims Ukraine Link
Russian authorities have arrested a suspected “financier” of last week’s deadly concert hall attack, Russia’s top investigative body said Thursday, claiming that Ukraine had paid “large amounts” to the perpetrators. “Another suspect involved in the terrorist financing scheme has been identified and detained,” Russia’s Investigative Committee said…

Последние новости о террористах из «Крокуса» 29 марта: смерть боевиков
Фото: Евгений Потехин/ Четверых фигурантов дела о теракте в подмосковном концертном зале «Крокус Сити Холл» внесли в перечень террористов и экстремистов. Какие сегодня известны последние новости о фигурантах дела, где они сейчас? Четверо исполнителей теракта — Далерджон Мирзоев, Саидакрам Рачабализода, Шамсидин Фаридуни и Мухаммадсобир Файзов…

Теракт в “Крокусе” помогали готовить таксисты? Обвиняемые в нападении рассказали о заказчиках преступления – Центр || Интерфакс Россия — Обвиняемые в нападении на подмосковный концертный зал “Крокус Сити Холл” рассказали, кто помогал им готовить теракт, а также о заказчиках преступления. Путин поручил выяснить, почему террористы хотели уйти именно на Украину. Исполнители атаки на подмосковный концертный зал “Крокус Сити Холл” дали показания о заказчиках преступления…

Почему «Крокус Сити Холл» так быстро сгорел? Это похоже на «Зимнюю вишню»? Пытаемся разобраться, почему этот пожар был настолько разрушительным
29 марта число жертв теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле» увеличилось до 144 человек — в больнице умер еще один из пострадавших. По последним данным, всего в результате теракта пострадали 382 человека, включая девятерых детей. Пропавшими без вести остаются 95 человек. Здание «Крокус Сити Холла» полностью сгорело. «Медуза» поговорила с экспертами в сфере архитектуры…

Глава ФСБ раскрыл подробности теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле»
Директор ФСБ Александр Бортников в беседе с журналистом Павлом Зарубиным поделился подробностями того, что известно сейчас о теракте в «Крокус Сити Холле».По его словам, теракт в «Крокусе» готовили радикалы-исламисты, а способствовали всему и спецслужбы Украины. Также он отметил, что ФСБ известно, что Украина осуществляла подготовку боевиков на территории…

РБК: здание «Крокус сити холла» оказалось заложенным по договору ипотеки
27 марта 2024, 07:48 НедвижимостьДержателем залога является Газпромбанк, обременение действует до 24 декабря 2032 годаКонцертный зал «Крокус сити холл», в котором 22 марта произошел теракт, находится в залоге у Газпромбанка. Об этом сообщает РБК со ссылкой на выписку из Единого государственного реестра недвижимости. Здание заложено по ипотечному…

Moscow concert hall where deadly shooting took place has links with Trump
Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, the scene of a deadly shooting and fire claimed by Islamic State, is a plush concert venue where former US president Donald Trump once held a Miss Universe contest.It is a short walk from a Moscow Metro station and just next to Moscow city ring road, although formally it is outside the city limits.The complex that…

Russians Left With Unanswered Questions After Crocus City Hall Attack
Executive Summary:Russian propaganda has admitted to the involvement of Islamic State militants in the attack on Crocus City Hall while pushing the narrative that the West is to blame at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s direction. Direct orders from the Kremlin to lay blame for the tragedy on Ukraine and the West signals the impossibility of an objective…

Российские силовики назвали причастных к теракту в «Крокусе»
Александр Бортников и Николай Патрушев уже не сомневаются в том, что за терактом стоит Украина/ Пресс-служба президента РоссииАмериканские, британские и украинские спецслужбы могут быть причастны к терактам в «Крокус сити холле» 22 марта, но заказчики пока не установлены, заявил 26 марта директор ФСБ России Александр Бортников. Он добавил, что расследование…

Кто заказал теракт в “Крокусе?” ФСБ раскрыла новые подробности расследования – Центр || Интерфакс Россия — В ФСБ России поделились предварительными результатами расследования трагедии в “Крокус Сити Холле”. Эксперты полагают, что за терактом стоит Украина и западные спецслужбы. ФСБ о теракте: раскрыты новые подробности ЧП в “Крокус Холле” Теракт в подмосковном концертном зале “Крокус Сити Холл” готовили радикалы-исламисты, способствовали…

Теракт в «Крокус Сити Холл» оставляет множество вопросов
Согласно имеющимся на данный момент данным, невозможно отрицать причастность к теракту боевиков ИГИЛ, и даже российская пропаганда признала их в качестве исполнителей. При этом многие эксперты отмечают несоответствие уровня организации и исполнения теракта и поведения лиц, арестованных российскими спецслужбами. Прямое указание из Кремля возложить…

В результате теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле» погиб полковник спецназа ГРУ — Meduza
Среди погибших в результате теракта в концертном зале «Крокус Сити Холл» был полковник Тимур Мясников, служивший в спецназе ГРУ и участвовавший во вторжении в Украину.О смерти Мясникова, пишет «Медиазона», сообщили телеграм-канал выпускников суворовских училищ и глава самарского отделения организации «Офицеры России» Артур Маливанчук.Как рассказал Маливанчук,…

Российские спецслужбы обнаружили тайник, откуда было взято оружие для нападения на «Крокус Сити Холл»
В Москве в результате следственно-оперативных мероприятий российскими спецслужбами был обнаружен тайник, откуда было извлечено оружие для последующего нападения на ТРЦ «Крокус Сити Холл» в Красногорске. Об этом сообщает газета «Известия» со ссылкой на собственный источник информации.Как утверждает источник, установить место нахождения…
Opinion Trump benefits from an unequal system. Still, he can’t outrun justice.
Understandably, many Americans are frustrated by the interminable delays in four-times-indicted former president Donald Trump’s criminal trials and enforcement of New York’s massive civil judgment for fraudulent valuation of his properties. Trump can pay for a fleet of lawyers to file every imaginable defense and appeal. Certainly, the average criminal…

How ISIS-K leader forged one of Islamic State’s most fearsome groups
KABUL/PESHAWAR, Pakistan, March 26 (Reuters) – Sanaullah Ghafari, the 29-year-old leader of the Afghan branch of Islamic State, has overseen its transformation into one of the most fearsome branches of the global Islamist network, capable of operations far from its bases in the borderlands of Afghanistan.Islamic State has claimed responsibility for…

«Цель террористов — разрушение». Что владельцы «Крокус Сити Холла» построят на месте сгоревшего концертного зала: видео
Владельцы «Крокуса» рассказали, что построят на месте сгоревшего зданияИсточник: Городские порталыКонцертный зал «Крокус Сити Холл имени Муслима Магомаева» на прошлой неделе стал эпицентром трагедии. Зданием владеет семья Агаларовых — Араз и его сын певец Эмин. Им также принадлежат торгово-выставочный комплекс «Крокус» и одноименный молл. Бизнес приносит…

SITREP: Crocus City Hall Attack (GRAPHIC)
BREAK DOWN Date: March 22, 2024 Location: Crocus City Hall, Moscow Fatalities: At least 133 Injured: Over 100 Suspects: 4x Assailants, reportedly Tajik Suspect Status: Captured Motive: Islamic State attack EVENTS 19:55- Entry into Complex Location of gunmen entry at Crocus City Hall. On March 22, 2024, at proximately 19:55 local time,…

Russia knew of Crocus City Hall terror plot by 15 Feb – Budanov
Russia knew about preparations for a terrorist attack on its territory as early as mid-February, according to Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate. He stated that Russia was aware of where the combat groups would come from and the two countries they transited through. “At the very least, as of 15 February…

Полицейские уже во время пожара в «Крокусе» успели достать записи камер, на которых была машина террористов
08:48После мартовской «жары» погода в Петербурге испортится08:26Умер актер из «Молодежки» и «Майора Грома»07:43Журналистка Baltnews Светлана Бурцева арестована в Эстонии07:31Это не голод. Гастроэнтеролог рассказал, почему урчит в животе02:12В Библиотеке друзей расскажут про Новодевичье кладбище в Петербурге01:45Музей артиллерии выставил уникальное «пластилиновое…
Искусственный интеллект «вычислил», кто стоит за терактом в «Крокус Сити Холле»
Ростовская область, 26 марта 2024. DON24.RU. В пятницу, 22 марта, в подмосковном концертном зале «Крокус Сити Холл» произошел кровавый теракт. Вооруженные мужчины зашли в здание и безжалостно расстреливали посетителей. Позже они подожгли здание и скрылись. Подозреваемых в совершении теракта задержали в течение следующих 12 часов. На сегодняшний день…

Attack On Russia Concert Hall With Trump Links
By AFP – Agence France Presse March 22, 2024 Order Reprints Print Article Crocus Сity Hall in the Moscow region, the scene of a deadly shooting and fire, is a plush concert venue where former US president Donald Trump once held a “Miss Universe” contest. It is a short walk from a Moscow Metro station and just next to Moscow…

Inside Trump’s financial ties to Russia and his unusual flattery of Vladimir Putin
Donald Trump was in his element, mingling with beauty pageant contestants and business tycoons as he brought his Miss Universe pageant to Russia for a much-anticipated Moscow debut. Nonetheless, Trump was especially eager for the presence of another honored guest: Russian President Vladimir Putin.Trump tweeted Putin a personal invitation to attend the…
E94: Russia vs NATO
The proxy war in Ukraine between NATO and Russia has come into sharp focus in recent weeks. French president Macron refused to rule out sending troops to Ukraine, provoking a wide backlash. The German leader, Scholz, claimed that British soldiers are already fighting on the battlefield. Putin warned of nuclear war if NATO troops were sent to Ukraine;…

Moscow Terror: ISIS-K 1st Reaction After Concert Hall Attack In Which Over 150 Were Killed| Watch
Islamic State-Khorasan, the regional affiliate of Islamic State, has finally reacted to the deadly Moscow attack. ISIS-K heaped praise on “brutal” Moscow attackers who killed over 150 people on March 22. The 30-page statement by ISIS-K did not take responsibility for the Moscow attack. However, it focused on criticising and mocking Taliban in Afghanistan…

Surfside condo collapse investigators provide key insights into possible causes of the disaster. Here are the top takeaways
Federal investigators on Thursday shared updates on their probe into the cause of the catastrophic 2021 condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida, providing key insights into the factors that may have led to the deaths of 98 people under a mountain of rubble.Investigators have identified hundreds of possible points of failure in the building, eventually…

Crocus City Hall: incompetence or deliberate failure of Russian security? An OSINT analysis
On 22 March, without any apparent difficulty, four terrorists entered Crocus City Hall, a major music venue in Moscow, where they killed over a hundred people. Afterward, they exited the venue, got into the same car they arrived in, and safely drove away from Moscow, one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world. The systemic failure across…

Russia’s Crocus Group vows to restore concert hall after deadly rampage
Item 1 of 5 View of the burning Crocus City Hall concert venue following a shooting incident, outside Moscow, Russia, March 22, 2024. REUTERS/Yulia Morozova[1/5]View of the burning Crocus City Hall concert venue following a shooting incident, outside Moscow, Russia, March 22, 2024. REUTERS/Yulia Morozova Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW,…


The owner of Crocus City Hall, where terrorist attack took place, is Ilham Aliyev’s former son-in-law
The owner of the Crocus City Hall, where the terrorist attack took place, is the president of Crocus International, Araz Agalarov – the father of the former husband of Leyla Aliyeva, the daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Emin Agalarov and Leyla Aliyeva were married for 9 years. The daughter of the Azerbaijani President married the successful…

Стала известна личность главаря атаковавших «Крокус Сити Холл» террористов
В разделе Один из арестованных граждан Таджикистана, Шамсидин Фаридуни, возглавлял группу террористов, которые напали на «Крокус Сити Холл» перед концертом «Пикника» в минувшую пятницу. Как сообщает Telegram-канал SHOT, после проведенных следственных мероприятий правоохранителям удалось установить личность главаря террористов, которые устроили…

По делу о теракте в «Крокус Сити Холле» арестован житель Тверской области | Твериград
Всего арестованы ещё три человека. Басманный суд Москвы арестовал ещё троих фигурантов по делу о теракте в «Крокус Сити Холл». На скамье подсудимых оказались Исломов Исроил Ибрагимович и его сыновья: Аминчон Исроилович и Диловар Исроилович. По данным «Ведомостей», Исроил проживал в Тверской области и работал здесь таксистом. У него есть 5 несовершеннолетних…

Isaiah 35.1-10: The Sign of the Crocus
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice with joy and singing. So says the prophet Isaiah in the reading from Hebrew scripture for Advent 3A (Isaiah 35:1-10). Vincent Van Gogh. Basket of Crocus Bulbs. 1887. Amsterdam: Van Gogh Museum.…

Moscow attack: Was the band Picnic deliberately targeted? – DW – 03/25/2024
On the evening of Friday March 22, at around 8 p.m. local time, the Moscow concert venue Crocus City Hall became the scene of a bloody attack — the exact background of which is still the subject of speculation. At least 137 people were killed in the massacre, while many others are in critical condition. They were awaiting a concert by the Russian rock…

Netanyahu vows Israel will kill Yahya Sinwar, ‘just like Haman’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Sunday evening to kill Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, just as the Jewish People brought the death of Haman in the tale of Purim.חיסלנו את המן. נחסל גם את סינוואר.— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) March 24, 2024″We will unite, fight, and win just as we did in ancient times,”…

Цель есть. В России черный день
47news собрал главное на третий день после атаки террористов на “Крокус Сити Холл”. Число погибших и пострадавших увеличилось.      В России 24 марта День общенационального траура по жертвам теракта в “Крокус Сити Холле”. Президент Владимир Путин в церкви на территории государственной резиденции Ново-Огарево поставил свечу за упокой погибших. Жители…

ИГИЛ* или украинский след: кто заказчик теракта в Крокус Сити Холл
Западные СМИ после теракта в Крокус Сити Холл публикуют многочисленные материалы о связах террористов с ИГИЛ* (запрещена в РФ). Появились и видео казней мирных людей, снятые террористами. Так кто они на самом деле, террористы, расстрелявшие мирных людей?Немецкое издание Bild публикует фото предполагаемых террористов, устроивших бойню в «Крокус Сити…

ИГИЛ* или украинский след: кто заказчик теракта в Крокус Сити Холл
Западные СМИ после теракта в Крокус Сити Холл публикуют многочисленные материалы о связах террористов с ИГИЛ* (запрещена в РФ). Появились и видео казней мирных людей, снятые террористами. Так кто они на самом деле, террористы, расстрелявшие мирных людей?Немецкое издание Bild публикует фото предполагаемых террористов, устроивших бойню в «Крокус Сити…

Атака на «Крокус»: что не так с террористами, странности и несостыковки
Фото: Сергей Петров/ Теракт в «Крокус Сити Холле» Теракт в «Крокус Сити Холле» мог быть запасным вариантом Главного управления разведки (ГУР) Украины, у которого не получилось захватить несколько приграничных сел в Белгородской и Курской областях, сообщает Telegram-канал «Военная хроника». Что об этом известно? По мнению авторов канала,…

Biden Is Building a ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election
For years, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that if he doesn’t win the 2024 presidential election, he is willing to cheat and steal it. Since President Joe Biden’s inaugural address, according to sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, Biden and his inner circle have been drawing up meticulous plans and creating a large legal network…

Moscow mass shooting and October 7 massacre: Similarities and differences – analysis
 After the terror attack at the Crocus City Hall during a concert west of Moscow killed more than 130 people, Russia is observing a national day of mourning. Video footage from the attack show men in military-style gear massacring civilians. Russia says it has arrested the four attackers.The attack in Moscow is similar to many other ISIS and other…

Побег террористов из «Крокус Сити холла» попал на видео
Момент побега боевиков из «Крокус сити холла» засняла камера видеонаблюдения. Видео публикует Mash. По информации источника, террористы припарковались возле здания в 19:57. Через примерно 15 минут они выбежали на улицу, сели в машину и уехали в сторону Брянской области. Затем специалисты по видеонаблюдению оперативно восстановили…

Sick ISIS vid shows terrorists butchering victim & shouting ‘kill them all’
ISIS released a grotesque video of their attack on a Moscow concert hall where 133 people, including children, were slaughtered.Horror footage appears to show the four gunmen prowling the halls of the venue – stopping to butcher an injured victim as one terrorist screams “kill them all”. 13Previously seen footage showed the ISIS-K gunmen storming the…

Что известно о задержанных по делу о теракте в московском “Крокус сити холле”
Белый Renault Symbol с чёрной крышей начали искать сразу после теракта в “Крокус сити холле”. В 19:55 на видеорегистратор одного из автомобилистов попал момент, когда этот седан остановился около концертного зала, из него вышли вооружённые автоматами люди и направились в сторону входа. По данным телеграм-канала SHOT, террористы принесли в рюкзаках в…

Putin says gunmen who raided Moscow concert hall tried to escape to Ukraine. Kyiv denies involvement
Russia’s Federal Security Service says at least 60 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded in an attack at a Moscow concert hall. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Videos Deadly concert hall attack in Moscow Russia’s Federal Security Service says at least 60 people were killed and more than…

Moscow concert hall attack: what we know so far
Dozens of people have reportedly been killed and scores wounded in an attack at a concert venue near Moscow.Here is what we know about the shooting so far: Gunmen opened fire at the 6,200-seat Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow on Friday evening as people were taking their seats for a sold-out concert by the Russian rock group Piknik. Sixty…

At least 40 killed and dozens injured in Moscow concert hall shooting; ISIS claims responsibility
Updated on: March 22, 2024 / 8:30 PM EDT / CBS/AP Several gunmen burst into a large concert hall on the edge of Moscow on Friday and sprayed the crowd with automatic gunfire, killing at least 40 people, injuring more than 100 others and setting fire to the venue in a brazen attack just days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on power…

Gunmen kill more than 60 in concert attack near Moscow, Islamic State claims responsibility
MOSCOW, March 22 (Reuters) – Camouflage-clad gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons at concertgoers near Moscow on Friday, killing at least 60 people and injuring 145 in an attack claimed by Islamic State militants.In the deadliest attack in Russia since the 2004 Beslan school siege, gunmen sprayed civilians with bullets just before Soviet-era rock…

Russia says 40 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid, Islamic State group claims responsibility
MOSCOW (AP) — Several assailants burst into a large concert hall in Moscow on Friday and sprayed the crowd with gunfire, killing at least 40 people, injuring more than 100 and setting fire to the venue in a brazen attack just days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on power in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. The Islamic State…


Trump claims he has $500 million in cash, undercutting lawyers’ claims on bond money
Former President Donald Trump claimed early Friday morning that he has “almost” $500 million in cash, undercutting his lawyers’ claims that he would not be able to comply with the $464 million judgment against him and his co-defendants in the civil fraud case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James.”Through hard work, talent, and luck, I…

US has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian energy infrastructure, FT reports
Smoke billows after Ukraine’s SBU drone strikes a refinery, amid Russia’s attack on Ukraine, in Ryazan, Ryazan Region, Russia, in this screen grab from a video obtained by Reuters, March 13, 2024. Video Obtained By Reuters/via REUTERS Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMarch 22 (Reuters) – The United States has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on…

Ukraine hit by “largest” assault as US accused of Russia oil strikes veto
Russian drones and missiles again fell on targets across Ukraine on Thursday night in one of the most-intense bombardments of the two-year war, an attack that President Volodymyr Zelensky described as “terror” bombing.The attack saw 88 missiles and 63 Shahed drones launched at Ukraine, of which 37 and 55 were shot down, respectively. Strikes and blackouts…

Selling Mar-a-Lago won’t save Donald Trump. Here’s why
As the critical deadline of March 25 looms closer, Donald Trump is facing the increasingly likely possibility that the New York attorney general might start seizing and liquidating his assets—a threat which might lead him to sell some of his properties to raise the huge amount needed to pay the bond.But not even the sale of his famed Florida luxury…

Trump v Biden: who’s ahead in the latest polls?
On November 5th Americans will elect their next president. The contest will feel familiar: the main two candidates are the same as in 2020. Joe Biden, the incumbent, faced no viable competition for the Democratic nomination. His predecessor in office, Donald Trump, easily saw off a crowded field in the Republican primary. This will be the…

Seize accounts? Mar-a-Lago? How Letitia James can collect $454 million if Trump can’t pay
Can Donald Trump pay his $464 million judgement? Here’s what we know.Former President Donald Trump has to pay $464 million in his New York civil fraud case. Here’s what we know about how he could pay.New York Attorney General Letitia James could swiftly move in on former President Donald Trump’s bank accounts and real estate if Trump doesn’t put up…

How Putin’s global network aids and abets his ambitions
In his war against Ukraine and his brutal challenge to the world order, Vladimir Putin has a vast network of international support. The countries within his web engage in varying levels of complicity, from explicit political backing for the invasion of Ukraine from states such as North Korea, Belarus, and Syria, to an implicit desire for the invasion…

How the Putin Phenomenon Happened by Accident
Vladimir Putin has just won his fifth term as president of Russia (or his first according to the 2020 referendum). He has been at the helm of the country uninterrupted for 25 years, even while Dmitry Medvedev was nominally head of state, making him one of the longest-serving leaders in Russian history. Like all those leaders, his lengthy tenure includes…

Historian Says Putin Has Slipped Up Geostrategically, Geoeconomically, And Geopolitically
Robert Service is among the world’s most authoritative historians of Soviet and Russian history and the author of books including biographies of Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin as well as 2019’s Kremlin Winter: Russia And The Second Coming Of Vladimir Putin. He is emeritus professor of Russian history at Oxford and a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution…

Saudi crown prince says Jared Kushner handed him U.S. intelligence
Published: 14:23 GMT, 5 April 2018 | Updated: 15:58 GMT, 5 April 2018 Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman bragged of receiving classified US intelligence from Jared Kushner and using it as part of a purge of ‘corrupt’ princes and businessmen, can disclose.The de facto ruler of the Middle East’s largest economy is currently on…

Selloffs, seized assets and bankruptcy: Trump options narrow as bond deadline approaches
A key deadline for the $464 million civil fraud judgment against Donald Trump and his co-defendants is fast approaching, and it appears it’s one he might not be able to meet. Unless an appeals court intervenes or the former president can post a bond for the full amount of the judgment by Monday, New York Attorney General Letitia James can start collecting…

Saudi Arabia Plans $40 Billion Push Into Artificial Intelligence
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTA.I. Faces QuizHow the A.I. Race BeganKey Figures in the FieldOne Year of ChatGPTThe Middle Eastern country is creating a gigantic fund to invest in A.I. technology, potentially becoming the largest player in the hot market.Visitors interact with Saudi Arabia’s first robot “Sara”, at the LEAP conference in Riyadh, February 8, 2023.Credit…Ahmed…

IDF chief Herzi Halevi expected to resign before year’s end, per Israeli reports
IDF Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi intends to announce his resignation from his position between Septemeber and December and, until that time, finish internal investigations regarding the war and present them to the relevant government officials, Walla reported on Wednesday, citing defense officials.According to reports, he also intends to lead…

Director Wray’s Remarks at the University of Georgia’s Getzen Lecture on Accountability | Federal Bureau of Investigation
Remarks as prepared for delivery Thank you, Dean Auer, and good afternoon, everybody.  I want to begin by thanking you for the opportunity to be back here in Georgia today. This is where my career in law—and, a few years later, law enforcement—really began. I still think of it as home, so it’s great to be back in…

No Alternative for Rafah Invasion, Netanyahu Says, as Rift With U.S. Grows
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTliveUpdatesMapsPhotosRoots of the ConflictRamadan in GazaA Daily Hunt for FoodA day after agreeing to President Biden’s request to send officials to Washington to discuss Rafah, the Israeli leader said there was no other option but to send forces into the crowded city.Palestinians inspect damage to a house in the southern Gaza city…

Israel’s Spy Chief Returns Home as Cease-Fire Talks Continue in Qatar
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTWarnings of imminent famine in Gaza have added urgency to efforts to broker a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.David Barnea, center. the head of Israel’s foreign spy agency, Mossad, in Tel Aviv in January. Mr. Barnea participated in cease-fire talks in Qatar on Monday.Credit…Amir Cohen/ReutersThe head of Israel’s delegation has…
Pashinyan, Stoltenberg discuss Armenia-NATO cooperation
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan hosted NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the government. During the private conversation, the interlocutors discussed issues related to Armenia-NATO cooperation. Thoughts were exchanged on regional processes, discussions related to the Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty. The meeting between Nikol Pashinyan…

Armenia’s prime minister says quick border demarcation needed to avoid new conflict with Azerbaijan
YEREVAN, Armenia — Armenia’s prime minister said Tuesday that the Caucasus nation needs to quickly define the border with neighboring Azerbaijan to avoid a new round of hostilities.Last year, Azerbaijan waged a lightning military campaign to reclaim the Karabakh region, ending three decades of ethnic Armenian separatists’ rule there.In December, the…

NATO Secretary General with the Prime Minister of Armenia 🇦🇲 Nikol Pashinyan, 19 MAR 2024
Joint press statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, 19 March 2024. 🗣 | NATO Secretary General: Thank you so much Prime Minister Pashinyan, Dear Nikol, It’s great to see you again, And it’s great to be in Yerevan with you, On my first visit to Armenia as Secretary General…

NATO Secretary General with the President of Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 Ilham Aliyev, 17 MAR 2024
Joint press statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, 17 March 2024. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Baku on Sunday 17 March 2024, kicking off a three-day, tri-nation tour of the South Caucasus. Meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, the Secretary General welcomed Azerbaijan’s…

Secretary General in Armenia: stability in the South Caucasus matters to NATO
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg concluded his tour of the South Caucasus on Tuesday (19 March 2024) in Yerevan, Armenia where he met with President Vahagn Khachaturyan and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. Mr Stoltenberg praised Armenia for its long-standing partnership and contributions to NATO operations, including increased troop numbers…

Saudi prince Turki al-Faisal: reaching a peaceful solution in Gaza is easy
Photo by Kamran Jebreili/AP via Alamy It is Ramadan in Riyadh. This year the holy month — a remembrance of those with too little food — coincides with a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where many children have already died of hunger after five months of war. On 13 March, the third day of the holiday, I met with Prince Turki Al-Faisal in…

NATO Chief Visits Georgia to Discuss Cooperation, Path to Membership
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg traveled to Georgia Monday where he met with leaders to discuss strengthening cooperation between the nation and the alliance and a path to eventual membership. Stoltenberg held meetings with both President Salome Zourabichvili and Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze in the capital, Tbilisi. Kobakhidze was elected…

NATO MUltimedia
Sort by :  (Undefined) Date Relevance Language :  (Undefined) English French Russian Other Events :  Extraordinary meeting of NATO Defence Ministers (16 March 2022) Extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers (4 March 2022) Extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers (August 2021) Extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers…

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with the Secretary General of NATO
On March 18, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov met with the delegation led by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who is on an official visit to Azerbaijan.At the official welcoming ceremony hosted by the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry, J. Stoltenberg passed along the guard of honor and signed…

South Caucasus Turns Away From Russia Toward Middle East
Rapid geopolitical change is curtailing Russian power in the South Caucasus, boosting the influence of Middle Eastern countries and bookending the region’s “post-Soviet” history. The South Caucasus is undergoing a geopolitical transformation. The war in Ukraine and the effective resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan…

Secretary General starts South Caucasus visit in Baku, welcomes NATO’s long-standing partnership with Azerbaijan
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg arrived in Baku on Sunday (17 March 2024), kicking off a three-day, tri-nation tour of the South Caucasus. Meeting with President Ilham Aliyev, the Secretary General welcomed Azerbaijan’s long-standing collaboration with the Alliance, saying he looked forward to further strengthening the partnership. Mr Stoltenberg…

Volkov attack signals Russia’s return to cold war-era spying in Europe
It was a crude and violent assault, but as a bloody message, it was chillingly effective. An attacker ambushed Leonid Volkov, a close adviser to the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Nalvany, outside his home on the outskirts of Vilnius, Lithuania. The time was 10.06pm on Tuesday night as he arrived, after having filmed an anti-Putin video in time…

Putin Claims He Agree To Prisoner Swap For Navalny In First Public Comments About Opposition Leader’s Death
Updated Mar 18, 2024, 01:53am EDT Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he had supported a prisoner swap deal that would have led to the release of Alexei Navalny, in his first public comments about the opposition leader since he died in prison last month. Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a news conference at his campaign headquarters.Getty…
Opinion Schumer said out loud what many of Israel’s friends are thinking
Among liberals and many moderates who support the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish homeland, the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7 and the ensuing war in Gaza have called forth anger, agony and a reckoning.This constituency, which looms large in the Democratic Party and among American Jews, has been whipsawed by competing moral commitments: justified rage…

Mossad chief expected to resume Gaza ceasefire talks in Doha on Sunday
David Barnea, the head of the Israeli Mossad attends an honour guard ceremony for Israel’s incoming military chief Herzi Halevi at Israel’s Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv, Israel January 16, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabDOHA, March 16 (Reuters) – David Barnea, head of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, is…

Mossad chief expected to resume Gaza ceasefire talks in Doha on Sunday
David Barnea, head of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, is expected to resume Gaza ceasefire talks with Qatar’s prime minister and Egyptian officials in Doha on Sunday, a source told Reuters on Saturday.The source said the discussions would cover the remaining gaps between Israel and Hamas on the ceasefire negotiations, including the number of Palestinian…

King of Gaza: Yahya Sinwar still holds large Palestinian support in Gaza
A special analysis conducted by the business intelligence company “Buzzilla” for Maariv shows that in the last three weeks, the general discourse on Arabic language social media in Gaza has been mainly positive towards the Hamas terrorist organization in general and towards its leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar, in particular.The data analysis…

Yahya Sinwar’s Apparent Betrayal of Iran, Hizbullah, and even Hamas Commanders
Yahya Sinwar’s self-inflicted injury. (Arab social media) The clandestine planning and execution of the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel by the military leadership of Hamas in the Gaza Strip left many bewildered, including supposed allies such as Iran and Hizbullah. The decision to withhold the precise timing of the attack from these…

The two-state solution can be achieved through a confederation
By YOSSI BEILIN SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 11:36 israel palestine (photo credit: Courtesy) The two-state solution is the one the world has adopted for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This is the solution promoted by the Arab Peace Initiative, as it has the plurality support among Israelis and Palestinians alike….

WSJ News Exclusive | Document From 2022 Reveals Putin’s Punishing Terms for Peace
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West of the risk of nuclear war if it sends troops to fight in Ukraine. During an annual parliamentary address, he said Moscow had weapons that could hit Western targets. Photo: Gavriil Grigorov/ReutersRussian President Vladimir Putin has in recent weeks publicly hinted that he would be open to discussions…

Leader Schumer Gives Major Senate Address on a Pathway to Peace and Achieving a Two-State Solution
Today, I’m giving a major address from the Senate floor on a pathway to peace and achieving a two-state solution.

Election disinformation takes a big leap with AI being used to deceive worldwide
From Bangladesh to Slovakia, AI-generated deepfakes have been undermining elections around the globe. Experts say their reach and sophistication is a sign of things to come in consequential elections later this year. (March 15) Photos LONDON (AP)…

US firm that paid indicted FBI informant tied to Trump associates, records reveal
An American company that paid the now indicted FBI informant Alexander Smirnov in 2020 is connected to a UK company owned by Trump business associates in Dubai, according to business filings and court documents.Smirnov is now accused of lying to the FBI about Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, alleging that they engaged in a bribery scheme…

Poll: Bennett and ex-Mossad chief Cohen could change Israel’s political map dramatically
Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen could dramatically change Israel’s political map if they decide to run in the next election.  According to a poll by Channel 13, a party led by Naftali Bennett would receive 18 seats, while Yossi Cohen’s party would win 11 seats. This means that Benny Gantz’s National Unity…

The truth behind Putin’s rambling threats and Russia’s nuclear arsenal
President Vladimir Putin has claimed Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if there is a threat to statehood, sovereignty or independence.In a rambling interview with Russian state television released early on Wednesday, Mr Putin also said he hoped the US would refrain from actions that could trigger a nuclear conflict.His statement is another blunt…

Opinion | Netanyahu Is Making Israel Radioactive
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTCredit…Abir Sultan/ReutersBy Thomas L. FriedmanIsrael today is in grave danger. With enemies like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran, Israel should be enjoying the sympathy of much of the world. But it is not. Because of the way Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist coalition have been conducting the war in Gaza…

IDF’s intel analysis chief to resign in June over October 7 failures
IDF intelligence analysis chief Brig.-Gen. Amit Saar will resign his post once the IDF publishes its probe of the October 7 intelligence failures, set for June, he announced on Wednesday at a closed military intelligence conference.Saar is the most senior Israeli official to date to give an exact time frame for when he will resign, in a show of responsibility,…

FBI cites Hamas attack as justification for $11.4 billion budget request
Among the things that the FBI is citing in an effort to justify its request for an $11.386 billion 2024 budget is Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel. “The recent, brutal Hamas attack against Israel reminded anyone who had forgotten the threat of terrorism is real and dangerous—both abroad and right here at home,” the bureau stated. The bureau…

Putin reiterates nuclear threat as Ukraine launches drone strikes on Russian oil refineries
Ukraine launched a sweeping drone attack on Russian regions on Wednesday, causing a fire at Rosneft’s biggest oil refinery in what President Vladimir Putin said was an attempt to disrupt Russia’s presidential election. Russia and Ukraine have both used drones to strike critical infrastructure, military installations and troop concentrations in their…

How attack drones are shaping conflict in Ukraine and Israel
Attack drones are transforming modern battlefield operations, with today’s conflicts serving as laboratories for rapid innovation. A Ukrainian military drone pilot attaches an explosive to an FPV drone at the front line near Bakhmut, Ukraine, on October 24, 2023. © Getty Images × First-person view drones unlock new offensive capabilities Ukrainian…