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Current News Review: Sam Altman says AI could derail 2024 election … Hamas used toxic substance to kill Nahal Oz troops on Oct. 7, IDF probe said to show … FT: Biden offers harshest criticism yet of Netanyahu government

 Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles – 9:40 AM 12/13/2023


Published: 13:28 GMT, 13 December 2023 | Updated: 14:07 GMT, 13 December 2023

Artificial intelligence guru Sam Altman has warned the technology could be used to sway American voters in the 2024 election.

One particular concern of OpenAI co-founder Altman – spectacularly fired then reinstated as the company’s CEO last month – is that the technology could be used to scan voters’ social media posts.

He says people could then be targeted with personalized, AI-generated disinformation including highly emotive messages imploring them to vote for a certain candidate.  

The tycoon, whose firm is behind ChatGPT, believes AI ‘will be the most powerful technology humanity has yet invented’.

But, he told the audience at Time magazine’s gala in New York City, it will create potent tools for those looking to sway an election, enabling techniques far more sophisticated than those currently available.

Sam Altman, 38, on Tuesday appeared on stage at Time magazine’s annual gala, where he was named CEO of the year

Altman and Sam Jacobs, editor in chief of Time magazine, are seen at the Plaza Hotel in New York City on Tuesday night

Altman, speaking after being named Time’s CEO of the year, warned that troll farms in foreign countries are ‘trying to interfere without elections’.  

‘They make one great meme, and that spreads out and all of us see the same thing on Facebook or Twitter. That will continue to happen and get better.

‘But the thing I am more concerned about: What if an AI reads everything you have ever written online – every tweet, every article, every everything? And right at the exact moment sends you one message, customized just for you, that really changes how you think about the world.

‘That’s a new kind of interference that just wasn’t possible before AI.’

The St Louis-born tech entrepreneur, in a discussion with Time’s editor in chief Sam Jacobs, insisted he was optimistic about AI’s potential, presenting a generally sunny picture of medical advances and increased access to learning.

‘I think we will see education changed deeply and improved forever,’ he said. ‘I think the kids in kindergarten today, by the time they reach 12th grade will be smarter and better prepared than the best kids of today.’

Altman is seen with Jacobs, who interviewed him during Tuesday’s event

He said the experience of his firing and rehiring had been ‘painful and exhausting’ and he had not yet had time to process what had happened – but that he was ‘happy to be back at work.’

‘I think everybody involved in this, as we get closer and closer to super intelligence, everyone involved got more and more stressed as the stakes get higher,’ he said, trying to explain the dramatic events.

‘And I think that all exploded.’

Altman said the team at OpenAI were working ‘to build tools that are helpful to people’ – and that they realized they had huge responsibility.

Critics fear a nightmare Terminator II: Judgement Day-type scenario where sentient machines decide to exterminate their creators and take over the world, turning it into an apocalyptic hellscape.  

‘If we can create abundant intelligence for the world, and abundant energy, then our ability to have amazing ideas for our children to teach themselves, for healthcare, for people to be more productive, to uplift the economy, for people to help themselves – then if we put those things into action with energy they are two massive, massive things,’ he said.

‘Now they come with downsides. And so it’s on us to figure out how to make this safe, and put it responsibly in the hands of people.

‘But I think we see a path now where the world gets much more abundant and much better every year, and people have the ability to do way, way more than we can possibly imagine today.’

Altman said he understood there were many skeptics, and many people fearful about the vast power of AI.

They include Elon Musk – who co-founded OpenAI with Altman, before leaving the company in 2018, and becoming one of its most strident critics. Musk has argued that AI is becoming too powerful, without sufficient guardrails.

Altman said on Tuesday that he was ‘very grateful Elon exists in the world,’ adding: ‘I think he’s done some amazing things.’

He also praised Musk’s work on electric vehicles and space exploration, and said his criticism about Microsoft controlling OpenAI – Microsoft has invested $13 billion in the company – was unfair and inaccurate.

Altman is pictured with his fiance, Australian software engineer Oliver Mulherin

The San Francisco-based CEO said he still believed he and his team were developing something beneficial for humanity.

‘I think in 2023 we started to see it; 2024 we’ll see way more; and by the time the end of the decade rolls around I think we’ll be in a way better place,’ he said.

‘It sounds silly and sci-fi optimism. But if you think about how different the world will be. Today they have ChatGPT – it’s not very good.

‘Next they have the world’s best chief of staff. And after that, every person has a company of 20-50 experts that work super well together, and after that, 10,000 experts in every field.

‘If someone wants to focus on curing disease they can do that, or create art – they can do that.’

Addressing his dramatic November 17 firing before being rehired at OpenAI on November 21, Altman said that it should be viewed in the context of ‘a crazy whole year’ – noting that ChatGPT was only released a year ago, and the company’s profile and reach exploded.

And he said he believed, in the long run, the firing-rehiring drama would be beneficial for the company.

‘It’s been extremely painful for me personally but I actually think it’s been great for OpenAI,’ he said.

‘We’ve never been more unified. We have never been more determined and focused.

‘And we always said this moment would come when we were building AGI. We didn’t think it would come so soon.

‘But we are stronger for going through it.

‘I wouldn’t wish it on an enemy, but it did have a positive effect on the company.’

He said he was extremely proud of how his staff reacted, and carried on working despite the turmoil.

But, he admitted, it had been intense and draining.

Sam Altman warns AI could threaten the 2024 ELECTION with sophisticated troll farms – as he reveals his dramatic firing from OpenAI and re-hiring four days later was ‘painful and exhausting’

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) December 13, 2023

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Оппозиционный российский политик, вице-президент фонда «Свободная Россия» Владимир Милов в интервью «Голосу Америки» рассказал о том, что может помочь Украине, кому еще угрожает Путин и как оппозиция ведет диалог с Западом в период войны. Интервью записано в Вашингтоне 30 ноября.

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Sam Altman says AI could derail 2024 election
Published: 13:28 GMT, 13 December 2023 | Updated: 14:07 GMT, 13 December 2023 Artificial intelligence guru Sam Altman has warned the technology could be used to sway American voters in the 2024 election.One particular concern of OpenAI co-founder Altman – spectacularly fired then reinstated as the company’s CEO last month – is that the technology…

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Sam Altman says AI could derail 2024 election
Published: 13:28 GMT, 13 December 2023 | Updated: 14:07 GMT, 13 December 2023 Artificial intelligence guru Sam Altman has warned the technology could be used to sway American voters in the 2024 election.One particular concern of OpenAI co-founder Altman – spectacularly fired then reinstated as the company’s CEO last month – is that the technology…

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (C), accompanied by US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (R) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (L), arrives to meet with members of the U.S. Senate on Capitol Hill on Dec. 12. Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held last-ditch talks in Washington…

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Putin’s spy chief tells U.S: Ukraine will become your Vietnam – Selected Articles – The News And Times – 9:49 AM 12/12/2023
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The News And Times on Twitter
 #NewsAndTimes The News And Times on Twitter – RSS Page The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
Tweets from Michael Novakhov – TNT – The News And Times –

@mikenov: Senior Hamas Officials in Qatar and Lebanon have reportedly begun to Disappear within the past week …
Senior Hamas Officials in Qatar and Lebanon have reportedly begun to Disappear within the past week …— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023

OSETIA DEL SUR Y ABJASIA, LA AMENAZA RUSA SOBRE EL TERRITORIO GEORGIANO – Geopol 21— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023

@Geopol21: RT by @mikenov: 🪖Dos estados no reconocidos internacionalmente y ocupados por tropas rusas. 🇷🇺🇬🇪Así son Abjasia y Osetia del Sur, regiones s…
🪖Dos estados no reconocidos internacionalmente y ocupados por tropas rusas.🇷🇺🇬🇪Así son Abjasia y Osetia del Sur, regiones separatistas en Georgia y apoyadas por Moscú. ✍️Lo analizamos en este primer artículo de @GeoStratega #Geopolers #SouthCaucasus— GEOPOL 21 (@Geopol21) December 12, 2023

@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Зеленский – о ночном российском ракетном обстреле Киева
Зеленский – о ночном российском ракетном обстреле Киева— DW на русском (@dw_russian) December 13, 2023
@mikenov: hamas leaders left qatar
hamas leaders left qatar – GS— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023
@mikenov: One of Israel’s priorities is to normalize the relations with Iran, rather than to bomb it into the oblivion. The current oppressive Iranian regime is one of the Stalinist KGB piglets, conceived in the shadows of WW2. It needs both a scalpel and the transplantation of the Western…
One of Israel’s priorities is to normalize the relations with Iran, rather than to bomb it into the oblivion. The current oppressive Iranian regime is one of the Stalinist KGB piglets, conceived in the shadows of WW2. It needs both a scalpel and the transplantation of the Western…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023

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#Israel’s UN Ambassador @giladerdan1 held up a sign depicting Yahya Sinwar’s office phone number and asked UNGA members to call Sinwar if they truly care for a #ceasefire.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) December 13, 2023

@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: Senior Hamas Officials in Qatar and Lebanon have reportedly begun to Disappear within the past week, with Qatari Sources…
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@mikenov: hamas leaders left qatar
hamas leaders left qatar – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023

@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Hamas used toxic substance to kill Nahal Oz troops on Oct. 7, IDF probe said to show . Click to…
Hamas used toxic substance to kill Nahal Oz troops on Oct. 7, IDF probe said to show . Click to read ⬇️— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) December 13, 2023
@dwnews: RT by @mikenov: A far-right Polish lawmaker used a fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles during an event with members of the Jewish com…
A far-right Polish lawmaker used a fire extinguisher to put out Hanukkah candles during an event with members of the Jewish community in the country’s parliament, provoking outrage as a new pro-EU government was beginning its work.— DW News (@dwnews) December 12, 2023

@Robert4787: RT by @mikenov: A former British intelligence officer got 13 years in the pokie for assaulting an NSA agent with a knife. Espionage tension…
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@KyivIndependent: RT by @mikenov: ⚡Reuters: US intelligence reports Russia has lost 90% of original pre-invasion force in Ukraine.…
⚡Reuters: US intelligence reports Russia has lost 90% of original pre-invasion force in Ukraine.— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) December 12, 2023

@khodorkovsky_en: RT by @mikenov: Austria’s ex-foreign minister Karin Kneissl says she hasn’t seen ‘any sort of repression’ since moving to Russia this…
Austria’s ex-foreign minister Karin Kneissl says she hasn’t seen ‘any sort of repression’ since moving to Russia this year: case of selective blindness, perhaps? 🧵 She’s far from the only European politician affected by it— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) December 12, 2023
@anders_aslund: RT by @mikenov: For the time being, Putin appears to have got the upper hand in the war in Ukraine by buying two people. Trump delivered…
For the time being, Putin appears to have got the upper hand in the war in Ukraine by buying two people. Trump delivered the US & Orban delivers the EU.I do hope that the West is not this pathetic!The EU can probably overcome Orban, but can somebody in the GOP stand up?— Anders Åslund (@anders_aslund) December 13, 2023

@Ukrinform_News: RT by @mikenov: 🇺🇦troops eliminated 20,000 Wagner mercenaries, which is essentially the core of the notorious group that’s been “wreaki…
🇺🇦troops eliminated 20,000 Wagner mercenaries, which is essentially the core of the notorious group that’s been “wreaking havoc” in #Africa, #Syria, and #Ukraine – #Zelensky at presser with #POTUS.— Ukrinform-EN (@Ukrinform_News) December 13, 2023
@IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: I greatly appreciate the American support for destroying Hamas and returning our hostages. Following an intensive dialogue…
I greatly appreciate the American support for destroying Hamas and returning our hostages.Following an intensive dialogue with President Biden and his team, we received full backing for the ground incursion and blocking the international pressure to stop the war.— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) December 12, 2023

@AgenciaAJN: RT by @mikenov: Embajador de #Israel ante la #ONU dio a conocer número telefónico de líder de #Hamás: «¿Cese de fuego? llamen a #Sinwar
Embajador de #Israel ante la #ONU dio a conocer número telefónico de líder de #Hamás: «¿Cese de fuego? llamen a #Sinwar –— Agencia AJN (@AgenciaAJN) December 13, 2023
@BBCWorld: RT by @mikenov: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington DC to try and save a $61bn (£48.5bn) US aid package Live updates ⬇️
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in Washington DC to try and save a $61bn (£48.5bn) US aid packageLive updates ⬇️— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) December 12, 2023

@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Even if Israeli generals take responsibility for terrible mistakes that contributed to the October 7 catastrophe, they need…
Even if Israeli generals take responsibility for terrible mistakes that contributed to the October 7 catastrophe, they needn’t take the fall for Netanyahu and the politicians, whose contribution to the disaster is great as well / Amos Harel— (@haaretzcom) December 13, 2023
Blogs – The News And Times Review








Senior Hamas Officials in Qatar and Lebanon have reportedly begun to Disappear within the past week …
Tweets from Michael Novakhov – TNT – The News And Times – OSETIA DEL SUR Y ABJASIA, LA AMENAZA RUSA SOBRE EL TERRITORIO GEORGIANOOSETIA DEL SUR Y ABJASIA, LA AMENAZA RUSA SOBRE EL TERRITORIO GEORGIANO – Geopol 21— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023posted 51m ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov)…












TNT – The News And Times Blog By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) –

Senior Hamas Officials in Qatar and Lebanon have reportedly begun to Disappear within the past week …
Tweets from Michael Novakhov – TNT – The News And Times – OSETIA DEL SUR Y ABJASIA, LA AMENAZA RUSA SOBRE EL TERRITORIO GEORGIANOOSETIA DEL SUR Y ABJASIA, LA AMENAZA RUSA SOBRE EL TERRITORIO GEORGIANO – Geopol 21— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 13, 2023posted 51m ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov)…
Zelensky Makes Last-Ditch Plea for U.S. Aid as Russia Claims Advances – The Moscow Times
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held last-ditch talks in Washington to plead for continued U.S. aid Tuesday, as Russia claimed advances on the battlefront and scornfully dismissed the…

Putin’s spy chief tells U.S: Ukraine will become your Vietnam – Selected Articles – The News And Times – 9:49 AM 12/12/2023
 Selected Articles – The News And Times – 9:49 AM 12/12/2023Putin’s spy chief tells U.S: Ukraine will become your VietnamRussian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin attends a meeting of President Vladimir Putin with members of Security Council and the government and the heads of law enforcement agencies, at the Novo-Ogaryovo…
The News And Times on Twitter
 #NewsAndTimes The News And Times on Twitter – RSS Page The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

Tweets from Michael Novakhov – 7:55 AM 12/11/2023
 Tweets from Michael Novakhov – TNT – The News And Times – The News And Times #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel Israel #World World #USA USA #POTUS POTUS #DOJ DOJ #FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIA #ODNI ODNI Mossad #Mossad Putin Russia #Putin Russia #Russia #GRU GRU #Ukraine New Abwehr #NewAbwehr…

Iran accuses jailed Swedish EU diplomat of conspiring with Israel – Selected Articles – The News And Times – 6:30 AM 12/11/2023
 Selected Articles – The News And Times – 6:30 AM 12/11/2023Iran accuses jailed Swedish EU diplomat of conspiring with IsraelIranian authorities have accused a Swedish EU diplomat, held in a Tehran prison for more than 600 days, of conspiring with Iran’s arch-enemy Israel, the judiciary said Sunday (10 December). “Johan Floderus is accused of extensive…

Why is Israel’s Netanyahu still groveling to Putin and Russia? | Opinion – Haaretz
Putin and Netanyahu – Google Search – NewsMichael Novakhov’s favorite articles Why is Israel’s Netanyahu still groveling to Putin and Russia? | Opinion – Haaretzposted at 08:37:30 UTC via “putin and netanyahu” – Google News  HaaretzHow did Putin turn from Netanyahu’s friend to a Hamas supporter? – Ynetnewsposted at 08:37:30 UTC via “putin and netanyahu”…

Selected Articles – The News And Times – Audio Posts: Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu … National Security in Context: Where Have All the Strategic Thinkers Gone?
Mike Nova 2 · 12.10.23 – Telephone Conversation With Prime Minister Of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu … Part 2Mike Nova 2 · 12.10.23 – Part 2 – National Security In Context Where Have All The Strategic Thinkers Gone Selected Articles – The News And TimesТелефонный разговор с Премьер-министром Израиля Биньямином НетаньяхуСобытия Состоялся телефонный…
Ukraine’s Zelensky appears increasingly embattled as U.S. backing wavers – WP
Zelensky facing headwinds with wavering U.S. support and internal criticism – The Washington Post— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 9, 2023 Ukraine’s Zelensky appears increasingly embattled as U.S. backing wavers By Isabelle Khurshudyan, Siobhán O’Grady and David L. SternDecember 9, 2023 at 8:34 a.m. ESTUkrainian President…

4:24 AM 12/9/2023 – The News And Times Review
4:24 AM 12/9/2023The News And Times ReviewAll The News That’s Fit To WebRecent Posts – The News And Times BlogThe Road to October 7: Hamas’ Long Game, Clarified – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point … National Security in Context: Where Have All the Strategic Thinkers Gone? – 4:18 AM 12/9/2023 – 12/9/2023@KarinaKarapety8: RT by @mikenov: #Erdogan…

The Road to October 7: Hamas’ Long Game, Clarified – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point … National Security in Context: Where Have All the Strategic Thinkers Gone? – 4:18 AM 12/9/2023
The artificial intelligence (AI) story shows no signs of slowing. Instead, AI – which could be worth $1.8 trillion by 2030, according to Statista – is already changing just about everything. In fact, it’s already changing drug discovery, education, finances, and cyber threats. All of which is beneficial for companies, such as VERSES AI Inc. (NEO: VERS)…

@KarinaKarapety8: RT by @mikenov: #Erdogan on #France’s supply of military equipment to #Armenia: “What France is doing is just a provocation.” – 4:06 AM 12/9/2023
 Tweets – The News And Times Review – RT by @mikenov: #Erdogan on #France’s supply of military equipment to #Armenia: “What France is doing is just a provocation.” At the…#Erdogan on #France’s supply of military equipment to #Armenia: “What France is doing is just a provocation.”At the same time, #Turkey…

The offices of Nikol #Pashinyan and Ilham #Aliyev released a surprise announcement regarding the exchange of prisoners – 3:58 AM 12/9/2023
 Tweets – The News And Times Review – RT by @mikenov: The offices of Nikol #Pashinyan and Ilham #Aliyev released a surprise announcement regarding the exchange of prisoners of w…The offices of Nikol #Pashinyan and Ilham #Aliyev released a surprise announcement regarding the exchange of prisoners of war. Additionally,…

The News And Times Review – 3:16 AM 12/9/2023
 The News And Times Review – 3:16 AM 12/9/2023All The News That’s Fit To WebRecent Posts – The News And Times Blog Iran president says Palestine, swift end to Israel’s Gaza war top of agenda of Russia visit – 12/7/2023Tweets – The News And Times Review: The majority of Americans distrust the #FBI due to the agency’s “appearance of partiality and bias”…

Iran president says Palestine, swift end to Israel’s Gaza war top of agenda of Russia visit
Iran president says Palestine, swift end to Israel’s Gaza war top of agenda of Russia visitposted at 13:42:56 UTC via presstv.irIranian President Ebrahim Raeisi says the Palestinian issue and the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip will be top on the agenda of his official visit to Russia.Speaking to reporters before setting off for Moscow…

Tweets – The News And Times Review: The majority of Americans distrust the #FBI due to the agency’s “appearance of partiality and bias” … @mikenov: Миронов, “первый социалист России”, тебя невозможно читать и видеть: боль и жалость. Путинский прихлебник … @mikenov: THE VOICE OF REASON: – Iran urges Egypt to unconditionally open Rafah crossing … Iranian security forces raped and sexually assaulted male and female protesters as young as 12 … @mikenov: This is your wishful thinking. These relations are not “normalized”, and will not be normalized until Azerbaijan is a normal and free European country, and it is very far from it. Pervasive and institutionalized hypocrisy and corruption, narrow minded nationalism, totalitarian … After Victory In Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijani Government Takes Aim At Journalists — And The U.S. … Миронов, “первый социалист России”, тебя невозможно читать и видеть: боль и жалость. Путинский прихлебник.
Search inside imageСергей Миронов призвал «решить мирным путем» ситуацию с ПригожинымVisit Tweets – The News And Times Review – Миронов, “первый социалист России”, тебя невозможно читать и видеть: боль и жалость. Путинский прихлебник.Миронов, “первый социалист России”,…

Teen arrested for alleged carjacking of FBI agent – Q2 News
Teen arrested for alleged carjacking of FBI agentposted at 19:40:58 UTC via ktvq.comA 17-year-old was arrested for the carjacking of an FBI agent in Washington, D.C.The incident happened on Nov. 29, blocks away from Capitol Hill.According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the teenager and another individual approached the FBI agent as they were…

Rampant Sexual Misconduct At FBI
 Rampant Sexual Misconduct At FBI – GS Search inside imageUnder the rug:’ Sexual misconduct shakes FBI’s senior ranks | AP NewsVisit-The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

The congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway – WP And Other Selected Stories – 12:53 PM 12/6/2023
Search inside imageThe congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway – The Washington PostVisitThe congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underwayWelcome to The Cybersecurity 202! Back in the saddle. Thanks to Ellen and David for keeping the beat going while I was gone.Was this forwarded to you? Sign up here.Below: A key cyber nominee remains…

JUST IN: US brings first-ever war crimes charges against four Russians – Tweets – The News And Times Review – 12:21 PM 12/6/2023
Four Russians become first charged under US war crimes actposted at 16:32:24 UTC via thehill.comSkip to contentThe U.S. is bringing its first-ever charges of war crimes against four Russian military personnel for atrocities committed against an American citizen in Ukraine during Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country. Attorney General Merrick Garland…