Current News Review

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price? – The Guardian US

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price?  The Guardian US
Current News Review

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price? – The Guardian US

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price?  The Guardian US
Current News Review

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price? – The Guardian US

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price?  The Guardian US
Current News Review

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price? – The Guardian US

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price?  The Guardian US
Current News Review

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price? – The Guardian US

Migrant crossings have plunged after Biden’s asylum ban. But top Democrats are asking: at what price?  The Guardian US
(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности

Current News Review

Russia Putin – The Daily Advance

Russia Putin  The Daily Advance
Current News Review

Russia Putin – Goshen News

Russia Putin  Goshen News
(@mikenov) / Twitter

@KarissonGerry: RT by @mikenov: #Путин провёл оперативное совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности. Там они со серьезными лицами обсудили вопросы борьбы с терроризмом… 🙃 Кремль слишком старается делать вид, что ничего не происходит. Это еще больше подпитывает подозрения, что у них нет ресурсов,…