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@mikenov: Where JD Vance stands on Ukraine, Israel and China…

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@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: ISW: Kremlin is preparing Russians for a 10-year war with the complete destruction of Ukraine at the end Russian state media…

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@mikenov: Israeli Democracy In Action! – Civilian committee to investigate Oct. 7 massacre – Israel News – The Jerusalem Post

Saved web pages

Families of Oct. 7 victims form civilian experts committee to begin probe into Oct. 7 massacre


A committee of legal and security experts that will lead a civilian probe into the events of October 7 was announced Thursday by families of those killed on October 7, representatives from Kibbutzim that were attacked, and civil society groups.

The civilian inquiry committee will investigate the “events before October 7, which formed the foundation for the biggest security failure in the state’s history” and examine the failures of the military and political systems, it said.  

The civilian committee said it would investigate until a national committee is formed. It created the committee because no such state committee exists.

Just as civilians stepped in on October 7, the army and state were not there; they are stepping in to fill the need for a committee not met by the state, said a committee representative.

One of the primary goals of the civilian committee is to bring about the founding of a state committee, said committee member Maj.-Gen. (res.) Eyal Ben-Reuven.

Brother of slain hostage Alon Shamriz, Yonatan Shamriz at the announcement of a civilian probe of October 7 (credit: Israeli People’s Committee)

The announcement came one day after Israel’s coalition struck down a bill to fund a national investigation of the events leading up to October 7. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated an argument in the Knesset plenum on Wednesday that an inquiry before the war is over would hamper Israel’s ability to defeat Hamas.

High court appoints independent committee

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said late last week that a state investigation is necessary. “This commission of inquiry should be objective; it should check all of us – the government, the army, and the security agencies. It needs to check me along with the prime minister and chief of staff,” Gallant said.

The High Court Chief Justice appoints a National Committee of Investigation and operates independently of the political echelon. In the past years, Netanyahu refrained from forming them over several issues, including the 2021 Meron disaster in which 45 men were crushed to death.  

Committee head Judge Emeritus Gideon Ginat, who has served on the district courts in Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Haifa, said an inquiry is necessary as soon as possible.

Ben-Reuven, who has worked in Israel Aerospace Industries and security consulting since retiring from the IDF, echoed this sentiment, saying that the facts will naturally blur over time.

Kibbutz Beeri representative Alon Pauker welcomed the IDF probe into what happened at Beeri on October 7 but said that it addressed a micro question. The more macro questions of who is responsible for October 7, the state’s response must also be addressed.

He also touched on the need to form a committee immediately, saying that it is necessary to examine ongoing failings.

“As we have learned since October 7, when the state is not there, civilians are called to the flag,” he said. “If the government doesn’t want to investigate, we will investigate.”

A national probe of the Yom Kippur war began less than a month after the outbreak of the war, said Yonatan Shamriz, brother of Alon Shamriz, who was taken captive and killed along with two other hostages in Gaza by IDF forces when he escaped his Hamas captors.

Shamriz alluded to possible political motivations preventing the founding of a state inquiry, saying that a committee’s foundation would be brave and that brave leaders make brave choices even if they might hurt their careers.

Hila Abir, a representative of the families of those murdered at parties in Israel’s south on the 7th, called on Israel’s leadership not to make scapegoats out of the fighters in the field on the day of the massacre.

She added that the IDF probes are focused on how forces acted on the scene that day rather than on why forces didn’t make it to many attack sites.

Eyal Eshel, father of slain IDF observer Roni Eshel, wondered how he could let his daughter Yael join the IDF in three months when he had zero trust in the army or the state.

He asked how Israel’s political and senior military echelon are not ashamed and how it could be that they have not taken responsibility for failings leading up to and on October 7, hoped that at least some of the leadership was ashamed that civilians were taking over the probe following the state’s failure to investigate. “The least of what we deserve are answers,” he said.

Additional committee members include Professor Asa Kasher, lead author of the IDF’s code of ethics; Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yehudit Grisaro; former Beit She’an mayor and intelligence officer Rafi Ben-Sheetrit; and former Police Commissioner Shlomo Aharonishki.

The committee will convene thrice weekly and work for as long as necessary. However, they hope to present their findings by the year’s mark of October 7. They called on the public to submit their testimony to the committee, urging anyone with information to contact them via email or WhatsApp.

You can submit testimony to the committee using their email:

Eliav Breuer and Jerusalem Post Staff contributed to this report.

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@Bundeskanzler: RT @Bundeskanzler: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deiner Wiederwahl, Ursula @vonderleyen – ein klares Zeichen für unsere Handlungsfähigkeit in d…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Gallant said the time has come to launch a state commission of inquiry

The News And Times Blog

Kibbutz Be’eri is a Telling Name. It means: “Be Eerie”: strange and frightening.

Kibbutz Be’eri is a Telling Name. It means: “Be Eerie“: strange and frightening.

It is impossible to ignore the telling names as the part of the criminal signature affixed to many recent terrorist acts, which have the primary purpose to frighten people. These acts include the mass shootings (with Zi Operation Butler Trump Farm Show included), school shootings, and the October 7 Attack on Israel. 

They point to the same authors, and sometimes the groups of authors, be it the GRU, the Wagner PMC, a certain part of the Russian Mob, the Mossad, or the “Private Mossads“. Sometimes it is possible to distinguish between the individual “authors”, sometimes it is not. 

October 7 Attack on Israel has its distinguishing characteristics, and one of them is the anti-gay feature: attack on the “Super Nova” Music Gay Festival. Other features include: 

Sophistication in planning and organisation, far exceeding the Hamas capabilities,  

The use of portable jamming equipment, and others. 

All aspects should be considered in the investigation of 10.7.24, not just the military ones. 

The main question remains: Who is behind it, and what made it possible?



JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military on Thursday acknowledged a string of errors in its response to the deadly Hamas attacks last Oct. 7, including slow response times and disorganization, as it released the results of its first investigation into failures during the assault that triggered the war in Gaza.

The report focused on the border community of Be’eri, where over 100 people were killed and more than 30 others taken hostage by Hamas. It was among the hardest-hit communities in the early morning attack, and it was the scene of one of the highest-profile confrontations of Oct. 7 – a standoff in which militants held a group of hostages inside a home.

“The army failed in its mission to protect the residents of Kibbutz Be’eri,” the military’s chief spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a televised address. “It is painful and difficult for me to say that.”

During the standoff, a tank fired at the home, raising concerns that the 13 hostages inside were killed by friendly fire. The military concluded that they were likely killed by Hamas militants, not Israeli shelling, though it was unclear how it reached that conclusion, and the report called for additional tests. The army said the kibbutz was overrun by about 340 Hamas fighters.

Investigators “determined that, based on the information reviewed and to the best of their understanding, no civilians inside the building were harmed by tank shell fire,” the report said, though it said two Israeli civilians were hit by shrapnel outside the building. One of those civilians died, according to the man’s wife.

It also said commanders on the scene made “professional and responsible decisions” in ordering the tank strike. It said there had been a joint decision by various commanders after hearing gunshots within the house and militants saying they planned to kill the hostages and commit suicide.

“The team determined that most of the hostages were likely murdered by the terrorists,” the report said.

The report also pointed to delays of several hours in the arrival of military forces and said forces waited outside the kibbutz into the afternoon as residents were being killed, not understanding the severity of the situation.

“This situation is extremely grave and cannot occur,” it said.

The report praised “the bravery of the Be’eri residents and the members of the kibbutz’s civilian rapid response team,” saying it was “crucial in stabilizing the defensive line during the first hours of combat.”

The Israeli army has come under heavy criticism from Palestinians and human rights groups, who say its investigations rarely result in punishment.

Kibbutz residents gave the report a mixed reception, expressing anger over the army’s failures that day but also appreciation that it took responsibility.

Meir Zarbiv, a resident whose brother and sister were both killed on Oct. 7, called the report a “deception” by the army. “I don’t believe the report, and I don’t believe anything about it,” he said.

He said he still cannot understand the delays in arriving and entering the kibbutz. “I just don’t believe what happened here. I have no explanation,” he said. “Where was the army?”

In a statement, the community called the investigation “thorough” and said it helped them understand the complexity of the fighting that day.

“We see great importance in the army accepting the blame and responsibility for its complete failure to protect us and in asking for forgiveness for abandoning us for many hours during an attack of unmatched evil,” it said.

The kibbutz also called for an official state commission of inquiry into the broader failures of Oct. 7 “so the unimaginable loss we experienced will never against be experienced by any other citizen.”

The surprise cross-border raid killed some 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and took 250 others hostage, in the deadliest attack in Israel’s 76-year history. The attack, in which several thousand militants stormed across the border without resistance, revealed grave shortcomings in the army’s readiness, its intelligence assessments and policies set by political leaders toward Gaza.

An Israeli offensive launched in response to the attack has killed over 38,000 Palestinians, according to local health authorities, displaced over 80% of the territory’s people and triggered a humanitarian disaster in Gaza. Israel is now facing war crimes and genocide allegations in international courts.

The army has launched multiple investigations into the failures of Oct. 7, and the head of military intelligence has resigned. Several other commanders have apologized and taken responsibility for their failures.

But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected repeated calls for an official state investigation, even as the war enters its 10th month.

Netanyahu has said an investigation cannot be conducted while the country is focused on its war against Hamas and says all questions will be answered at the appropriate time. But critics accuse the Israeli leader of dragging his feet to avoid what will almost certainly be harsh criticism of his policies and leadership.

At a military ceremony Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the time has come to launch a state commission of inquiry to look into the country’s leadership. “It needs to check me, the minister of defense. It needs to check the prime minister.”

In the face of fierce international criticism, Netanyahu has vowed to continue the war until destroying Hamas’ military and governing capabilities and the roughly 120 hostages remaining in Gaza return home. Tens of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets in weekly protests calling on Netanyahu to reach an immediate cease-fire, saying time is running out to bring the hostages home safely.

International mediators have launched renewed efforts to broker a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Netanyahu announced Thursday that he would send a team of negotiators to Cairo to continue cease-fire talks, but he reiterated his stance that he will not halt the war until Israel achieves its war objectives.

He was interrupted by hecklers at the same military ceremony when he vowed to continue the war “until victory, even if it takes time.”

As he spoke, a small crowd began to chant “shame.”


Associated Press writers Tia Goldenberg and Isaac Scharf contributed to this report.

nir_logo.jpg ניר דבורי | המהדורה המרכזית | פורסם 17/07/24 20:44 | עודכן 18/07/24 00:23

אהרון חליוה והפריצה לגדר ביום הטבח (צילום: דובר צה"ל) ראש אמ”ן, אלוף אהרון חליוה. ארכיון | צילום: דובר צה”ל

תחקירי אסון 7 באוקטובר: לאחר תחקיר הקרב בבארי, אמש (רביעי) פרסמנו לראשונה ב”מהדורה המרכזית” את התחקיר הפנימי באגף המודיעין, שמכונה “הדרך אל המלחמה”, על השאלה המרכזית: כיצד כל הסימנים המעידים חמקו מתחת לרדאר וההתרעות שהיו לא טופלו. 

תחקירי 7 באוקטובר – סיקור N12

התחקיר של אגף המודיעין בצה”ל מנסה לברר כיצד התרחש המחדל המודיעיני הגדול בתולדות מדינת ישראל – וכיצד החוקרים ואנשי קהיליית המודיעין לא ראו את המתקפה שחמאס מתכנן. בחיל התקיימו דיונים נוקבים, שאף לעיתים לוו בהרמת קול, על הפרשנות של ממצאי התחקיר. 

לפי ממצאי התחקיר, תכנון המתקפה של חמאס החל לפני 7 או 8 שנים על ידי חמאס, אך אגף המודיעין פספס את הסימנים המקדימים. באמ”ן הניחו שחמאס מורתע מישראל ופניו של מנהיג הארגון, יחיא סינוואר, להסדרה – שיפור המצב הכלכלי של תושבי הרצועה תוך ביסוס מעמדו הריבוני ברצועה.למעשה, חוקרי המודיעין היו שקועים בקונספציה שחמאס “לא רוצה ולא יכול” לצאת למלחמה נגד ישראל.

עיקרי ממצאי התחקיר

  • גורמי המודיעין פספסו את הסימנים המקדימים, הניחו שחמאס מורתע ופניו של סינוואר להסדרה.
  • פער במשך שנים בין הידיעות שנאספו לניתוח שלהן על ידי חוקרי אגף המודיעין.
  • הפרשנות שלפיה חמאס נמנע מלהשתתף בשני העימותים שקדמו ל-7 באוקטובר כי הוא מתכנן מלחמה – נזנחה באגף המודיעין.

בנוסף, בתחקיר הפנימי עלה כי הפרשנות לכך שחמאס נמנע מלהשתתף בשני העימותים שקדמו ל-7 באוקטובר כי הוא מתכנן מלחמה – נזנחה לחלוטין על ידי חוקרי המודיעין. למרות שהיו חוקרים שחשבו כך, ואף טענו שחמאס צריך את הכסף הקטארי לתכנון המתקפה, הם הצטרפו לבסוף לקונספציה ולדעה הרווחת בחיל. 

ראש אמ”ן, אהרון חליוה, קיבל את הקביעות שעלו בתחקיר. עם זאת, גם עכשיו אגף המודיעין לא יודע לקבוע בוודאות כיצד ניתן למנוע מקרים כאלו בעתיד ובחיל מקיימים בימים אלו דיונים כדי להבין את המשמעויות העמוקות שצריך להסיק כדי שאירוע כזה לא יתרחש בעתיד.

דובר צה”ל: “כשיסתיימו התחקירים, הם יוצגו בצורה שקופה לציבור”.

מצאתם טעות לשון?

Ziz iz zi Operation Butler Trump Farm Show, Pa!
By Crooks.

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 17, 2024

 image/png GSthA-dWYAA3SG4.png
@mikenov: Butler Trump

Butler Trump – Google Search

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 17, 2024

 image/jpeg GStZDy3WIAA4F9U.jpg

Ziz iz zi Operation Butler Trump Farm Show, Pa! By Crooks – GS.

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 17, 2024

 image/png GSthA-dWYAA3SG4.png

If you have nothing to hide, publish the photo of the wound. “Donald Trump doesn’t have stitches after assassination attempt…” – The Operation Butler Farm Show

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 17, 2024

 image/jpeg GStLh0rWEAAlu9Q.jpg
Operation Butler Trump Farm Show #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин#Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 17, 2024

“The FBI and DHS remain concerned about the potential for follow-on or retaliatory acts of violence following this attack, particularly given that individuals in some online communities have threatened, encouraged, or referenced acts of violence in response to the attempted assassination,” the bulletin said.

The warning comes amid what authorities had already determined was a “heightened threat” environment, with the country deeply polarized as the Republicans gather for their nominating convention in Milwaukee and the Democrats prepare for theirs in Chicago.

“This attack reinforces our assessment that election-related targets are under a heightened threat of attack or other types of disruptive incidents,” the bulletin said.

The agencies said that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year–old shooter in Saturday’s attack at the rally, had improvised explosive devices in his car as well as his home and ordered packages potentially containing hazardous material over the last several months.

Donald Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Law enforcement officers survey the scene after the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. | Scott Goldsmith for POLITICO

Authorities have not yet determined what motivated Crooks, who was shot and killed by the Secret Service after he opened fire on the rally, killing one spectator and critically wounding two others.

In the lead-up to the November election, federal and state law enforcement agencies have stepped up efforts to prevent political violence and lone-wolf attacks against elected officials, government officials, candidates, law enforcement and the media. The Justice Department has vowed to relentlessly crack down on threats against election workers and elections facilities.

Threats across the political spectrum have proliferated. Supporters of Trump sent death threats and envelopes full of white powder to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose office led the hush money prosecution against the former president. Others “swatted” Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows after she found Trump to be ineligible to appear on the state’s 2024 primary ballot.

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: October 7, 2023#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: My Opinion: Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen are responsible for October 7. Get them out! They also should be investigated to their bones.

The News And Times Blog

My Opinion: Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen are responsible for October 7. Get them out! They also should be investigated to their bones.

 Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen are responsible for October 7. Get them out!

My Opinion: The failure of October 7 is POLITICAL, and it is Netanyahu’s responsibility: he allowed Putin “to powder his brain” and to deceive him badly. The Intel people were not able to conduct their INDEPENDENT assessment out of deference to Netanyahu and Yossi Cohen, both of whom should be out of the Israeli politics immediately. They also should be investigated to their bones.

Israel-Hamas war: Israeli army acknowledges October 7 failures | AP News
October 7 Attack investigations – GS:

“The main question: how all the tell-tale signs slipped under the radar and the warnings that were not addressed”?
Answer: “In fact, the intelligence researchers were immersed in the concept that Hamas “does not want and cannot” go to war against Israel.”


So, the “planning” was started in 2016, “by Hamas”.
Did the GRU have any role in these preparations?
Was there any connection with the downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble airplane in December of 2016? – GS
What role did the Mossad and Yossi Cohen personally play in that crash? –
Translate your referenced article into English. Google refuses to do it, it probably feels that there is something fishy there.

See also: October 7 Attack investigations – GS: