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@mikenov: Как власть тайно хоронила Пушкина – Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times – In 200 Brief Posts

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Как власть тайно хоронила Пушкина – Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times – In 200 Brief Posts

Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader

«Какой-то Пушкин убит, его мчат на почтовых в рогоже и соломе, прости господи, – как собаку».

«Назначенный для отпевания храм, Исаакиевский собор, тайно переменили, ночью перенесли тело в церковь на Конюшенную.

«Жандармы заполнили ту горницу, где мы молились об умершем, нас оцепили, – пишет поэт Жуковский, который безотлучно находился при умиравшем поэте и после его смерти, – и мы, так сказать, под стражей, проводили тело до церкви».

Над Пушкиным пропели заупокой в присутствии десятка ближайших друзей и отряда жандармов…

По воспоминаниям современников, утром 1 февраля 1837 года толпы приглашенных на отпевание и тех, кто пришёл отдать последний долг поэту, нашли двери Исаакиевского собора запертыми. Но народ всегда всё узнает неведомыми путями. Людская молва распространила известие о том, где на самом деле стоит гроб, и утром площадь вокруг церкви Спаса на Конюшенной площади (пишет современник) «представляла собой сплошной ковёр из человеческих голов». Именно из голов: мужчины стояли без шапок. Это и были его настоящие читатели. Им не дали возможности по-христиански проводить поэта. В храм пускали только по билетам. Там, следует предполагать, пребывала блестящая публика, вся знать. Там, возможно, присутствовали многие из тех, кто травил Пушкина сплетнями. Его любопытствующие палачи.

 Кончилось отпевание, и люди перед церковью увидели только, как гроб был вынесен из церкви и поспешно перетащен в соседние ворота, в заупокойный подвал…«Всё мелькнуло перед нами на один только миг», – написал потом студент-очевидец. Студентам университета, кстати, строго запретили покидать занятия в тот день. Проводить поэта народу не дали, боясь беспорядков. Люди не находили себе места от горя, жаждали отплатить за нанесённую им обиду, плакали. Это было национальное негодование, равное, может быть, гневу во время нашествия Наполеона. Власти, помнившие бунт декабристов, тщательно скрывали, где поэт будет похоронен.

3 февраля 1837 года, в полночь, тело Пушкина тайно увезли в соседнюю псковскую губернию, в простой телеге без кузова, называемой «дроги»; гроб, обёрнутый грубой рогожей, был попросту завален соломой… Впереди скакал жандарм. Сзади гроба ехал вместе с почтальоном назначенный властями «старый друг» из дворян, ничем крамольным себя не запятнавший, общий знакомец А. И. Тургенев. На дрогах, у гроба, весь путь по морозу просидел Никита Козлов, верный слуга Пушкина, состоявший при нём от колыбели. «Смотреть было больно, как он убивался, – писал впоследствии сопровождающий жандарм. – Не отходил почти от гроба: не ест, не пьёт». Неподалеку от Петербурга одна петербурженка, проездом увидев на почтовой станции странную процессию, спросила у какого-то крестьянина, что это такое.

– А бог его знает что! Вишь, какой-то Пушкин убит, его мчат на почтовых в рогоже и соломе, прости господи, – как собаку.

Сопровождавший гроб Тургенев, остановившись во Пскове и приехав прямо к губернатору на вечеринку, привёз ему письмо с поручением от Бенкендорфа о воле «государя императора, чтобы вы воспретили всякое особенное изъявление, всякую встречу, одним словом, всякую церемонию, кроме того, что обыкновенно по нашему церковному обряду исполняется при погребении тела дворянина. К сему не излишним считаю, что отпевание тела уже совершено».

5 февраля, в темноте, в седьмом часу вечера, гроб с телом поэта наконец доставили в Святогорский монастырь. Почти сутки рыли в мерзлой земле могилу (с помощью крестьян) – и они же, крепостные, вместе с Никитой Козловым вынесли на плечах гроб и схоронили Пушкина – это было уже 6 февраля. Надо сказать, что панихиду всё-таки отслужили. «Немногие плакали, – пишет А.И. Тургенев, – я бросил горсть земли, выронил несколько слёз… Предложили мне ехать в Михайловское. …Мы вошли в домик поэта, где он прожил свою ссылку и написал лучшие стихи свои. Всё пусто. Дворник, жена его плакали».



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Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times

Как власть тайно хоронила Пушкина
«Какой-то Пушкин убит, его мчат на почтовых в рогоже и соломе, прости господи, – как собаку». «Назначенный для отпевания храм, Исаакиевский собор, тайно переменили, ночью перенесли тело в церковь на Конюшенную. «Жандармы заполнили ту горницу, где мы молились об умершем, нас оцепили, – пишет поэт Жуковский, который безотлучно находился при умиравшем…

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Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz found guilty of perjury
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The Israeli army is conducting drills “preparing for war in Lebanon”, Army Radio reported on February 23. The Israeli military conducted a training drill “that practices wide-scale combat in the naval arena in coordination with the air force,” Army Radio wrote. Hezbollah says two paramedics and one of its fighters were killed in an Israeli airstrike…
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Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza  Yahoo News Canada
Netanyahu’s postwar plan for continual control over Gaza rejected by Palestinian leaders – Fox28 Savannah
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Hamas Says Netanyahu’s Post-war Gaza Plan ‘Will Never Succeed’  Barron’s

Зеленский: Украина подготовит новое контрнаступление
В канун второй годовщины нападения России на Украину Владимир Зеленский заявил, что Украина готовит российской армии сюрпризы в Крыму и на Черном море, и также на юге и востоке Украины. Также президент Украины пообещал новое наступление ВСУ несмотря на опасения западных экспертов о том, что армия РФ готова продолжать наступление после взятия Авдеевки….
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Putin says Biden was right to call him a “crazy SOB”
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Играй в настоящем. Украинская война, противостояние с Западом и США, политические репрессии, и т.д., и т.п., всё это – чистейшей воды безумие. Надо изменить курс, иначе это может привести к большому несчастью. Передай власть другим, нет причин цепляться за неё, кроме личных, и…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024…
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Russian diplomat says country will respond to expected US sanctions by growing economy  The Hill

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FBI, Homeland Security investigating AT&T outages
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Fox News Host: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’  The Daily BeastThe post Fox News Host: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’ – The Daily Beast first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.

NATO twist: Romania president seeks to challenge Rutte for top job
Romania notified allies on Thursday that President Klaus Iohannis was considering challenging frontrunner Mark Rutte for the NATO top job. Iohannis’ last-minute move comes as the biggest powers in the 31-strong alliance already declared support for Rutte over the last 24 hours, with the U.S., the U.K., Germany and France all saying they back…
NATO Secretary General explains “dilemma” in supply of F-16s to Ukraine – Yahoo News
NATO Secretary General explains “dilemma” in supply of F-16s to Ukraine  Yahoo News
Opinion: Will Europe ever get serious about defense? – Kyiv Independent
Opinion: Will Europe ever get serious about defense?  Kyiv Independent

ООН: Война РФ против Украины привела к страшным жертвам
Людские потери неисчислимы, как и страдания миллионов людей

Путин назвал слова Байдена в свой адрес “адекватной реакцией”
Ранее президент США назвал российского президента “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”

Посольство РФ направило ноту в Госдеп из-за оскорбления Байдена в адрес Путина
Владимир Путин назвал высказывание американского коллеги Джо Байдена, назвавшего его “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, адекватной реакцией на слова о том, что нынешний глава США предпочтительнее для России. Путин добавил, что не изменил своей позиции. Тем не менее посол РФ в США Анатолий Антонов направил жесткую ноту протеста в связи с высказыванием Байдена….

White House, Kremlin Trade Bitter Barbs as Mudslinging Enters Surreal Territory
Dialogue between certain nations is starting to sound a lot like a Cold War version of ‘Mean Girls’ — no subtitles required.
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Kremlin says Biden calling Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ debases the US
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov in Kazan, Russia February 21, 2024. Sputnik/Sergei Bobylev/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW, Feb 22 (Reuters) – The Kremlin said on Thursday that Joe Biden had debased the United States by calling Russian President Vladimir…

Biden comments a disgrace says Kremlin after he calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’
The Kremlin has accused Joe Biden of debasing himself and disgracing his country after the US president called Vladimir Putin a “crazy SOB” during a fundraiser in San Francisco.Biden was talking about the climate crisis on Wednesday when he said: “We have a crazy SOB like Putin and others, and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the…

Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin
Image source, Getty ImagesImage caption, Joe Biden has often been vocal in his criticism of Vladimir Putin (file photo)The Kremlin has accused Joe Biden of attempting to appear like a “Hollywood cowboy” after the US president called Vladimir Putin “a crazy SOB”.Mr Biden made the comments at a public fundraising event on Wednesday in California, warning…
Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin –
Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin  BBC.comBiden comments a disgrace says Kremlin after he calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’  The Guardian USPutin Reacts With Sarcasm to Biden’s ‘SOB’ Remark  The Moscow Times
Pro-Kremlin military blogger dies days after reporting massive Russian losses in Avdiivka – CNN
Pro-Kremlin military blogger dies days after reporting massive Russian losses in Avdiivka  CNN

Как режим Путина преследовал Навального #shorts
16 декабря 2024 г. Алексей Навальный умер в колонии за полярным кругом. Даже через несколько дней его тело так и не выдали его матери и адвокату. #shorts #short #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shortsfeed #Навальный #Путин
@mikenov: Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – – Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –… – Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›…
Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – –Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –…–Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024 The post…
@mikenov: Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – – Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –… – Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›…
Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – –Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –…–Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024 The post…

Joe Biden’s dog bit US secret service agent 24 times | Latest English News | WION
President Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit US Secret Service agents on at least 24 occasions, new documents show. Watch in for more details! #joebiden #us #dog About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world….
Moscow hired gunmen to murder Russian defector, Spanish intel says – POLITICO Europe
Moscow hired gunmen to murder Russian defector, Spanish intel says  POLITICO Europe
Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskiy downplays loss of Avdiivka to Russian forces – The Guardian
Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskiy downplays loss of Avdiivka to Russian forces  The Guardian
Russian Defence Minister claims Russia doesn’t intend to deploy nukes in space – Ukrainska Pravda
Russian Defence Minister claims Russia doesn’t intend to deploy nukes in space  Ukrainska Pravda
Russia’s Dig At U.S., Bold Message To Israel At ICJ Hearing; ‘Stop Settlements’ – Hindustan Times
Russia’s Dig At U.S., Bold Message To Israel At ICJ Hearing; ‘Stop Settlements’  Hindustan Times

Jewish professor who quit MIT over its handling of antisemitism accepts post at Yeshiva U.
Y.U. President: ‘As a top tier professor in his field and a leader who lives his values with integrity and authenticity, Prof. Karchmer is a role model to us all.’
Biden and Trump: How the two classified documents investigations came to different endings – WesternSlopeNow
Biden and Trump: How the two classified documents investigations came to different endings  WesternSlopeNow
Reuters: Sweden warns of Russian threat as NATO membership decision nears – Euromaidan Press
Reuters: Sweden warns of Russian threat as NATO membership decision nears  Euromaidan Press
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Who Is Alexander Smirnov? FBI Informant Helped Spark Biden Impeachment Probe—And Could End It
Alexander Smirnov, the FBI informant arrested and charged last week for lying to the agency, is the source of an explosive bribery allegation against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden that unraveled over the past week—and may doom the GOP’s impeachment inquiry into Biden. Rep. James Comer (R-KY) speaks with reporters outside the House…

The Informant Turned Defendant Who Took Aim at the Bidens
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTThe LatestTimelineRelationship With Kevin MorrisTax Evasion ChargesGun ChargesWho Is David Weiss?How Alexander Smirnov managed to convince business partners, law enforcement agencies and politicians he had something of value to offer remains an enigma.In 2020, Alexander Smirnov told his F.B.I. handler what prosecutors say was a brazen…

How is an ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens allegedly linked to Russian intelligence?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The explosive allegations at the center of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden were false, federal prosecutors said, and came from an ex-FBI informant who said he was in touch with Russian intelligence. The informant, Alexander Smirnov, is “actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections,” federal prosecutors…

FBI Director Wray issues warning about number of Russian spies in the US
FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that the number of Russian spies operating inside the United States is “still way too big,” despite efforts to kick them out. “The Russian traditional counterintelligence threat continues to loom large,” Wray said during public remarks…

Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens had Russian intelligence contacts, prosecutors say
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A former FBI informant charged with making up a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company had contacts with officials affiliated with Russian intelligence, prosecutors said in a court paper Tuesday. Prosecutors revealed the alleged contact as they urged a judge…
Netanyahu: The Antithesis of Ben-Gurion – Asharq Al-awsat – English
Netanyahu: The Antithesis of Ben-Gurion  Asharq Al-awsat – English
Netanyahu puts himself in ‘a different league’ – Cleveland Jewish News
Netanyahu puts himself in ‘a different league’  Cleveland Jewish News
Benny Gantz is Netanyahu’s enabler and Israel’s tranquilizer-in-chief | Opinion – Haaretz
Benny Gantz is Netanyahu’s enabler and Israel’s tranquilizer-in-chief | Opinion  Haaretz
The Netanyahu Government’s Racist, Ultranationalist Judicial Coup Continues – Haaretz Editorial – Haaretz
The Netanyahu Government’s Racist, Ultranationalist Judicial Coup Continues – Haaretz Editorial  Haaretz

Israeli Rape-Crisis Group Report Finds ‘Systematic’ Sexual Violence On and After Oct. 7
Israeli activists and their allies have expressed frustration at international organizations like the United Nations for slow responses to such reports.
How the U.S. Can Rein in Israel – Foreign Policy
How the U.S. Can Rein in Israel  Foreign Policy
Biden’s Ukraine-Israel double standard, judge should disqualify Willis and other commentary – New York Post
Biden’s Ukraine-Israel double standard, judge should disqualify Willis and other commentary  New York Post
Biden the political opportunist might sell out Israel to save his own hide – New York Post
Biden the political opportunist might sell out Israel to save his own hide  New York Post
Russia’s worrisome invite to Hamas, PIJ and its implications – The Jerusalem Post
Russia’s worrisome invite to Hamas, PIJ and its implications  The Jerusalem Post

The Gaza war is winding down with key goals unmet — but Israel can still win
Operations against Hamas are steadily dwindling, but with the enemy hiding underground, it can be replaced — if Israel’s leaders move beyond political concerns The post The Gaza war is winding down with key goals unmet — but Israel can still win appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Putin attends opening ceremony of Russian esports featuring robot dogs and holograms
Russian president Putin attended the opening ceremony of Games of the Future, an experimental tournament ‘blending sports and esports‘ on February 21. Countries like China, Italy, Spain and Australia are set to take part in the games, just days after the death of Putin’s critic Alexei Navalny, whose body has still not been released to him family….

Japan mafia boss tried to sell plutonium, says US
Takeshi Ebisawa, 60, allegedly tried to traffic material he believed would go to Iran to build a nuclear bomb.
Cheney warns of Republican Party ‘Putin wing’ after Navalny death – CNN
Cheney warns of Republican Party ‘Putin wing’ after Navalny death  CNN

King Charles III refers to cancer diagnosis as he meets with U.K. prime minister
“I’ve had so many wonderful messages and cards,” the king told Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in their first face-to-face meeting since the monarch began cancer treatment. “It’s reduced me to tears most of the time,” he continued. » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful…

Elector’s Day, not Election Day, could be key to saving the vote
In our outrage against “fake electors” from the 2020 election, we are setting up a clear strategy for stealing the presidential election in 2024.  After the events of Jan. 6, 2021, we set out to map every strategy we thought was possible to flip an election against its legitimate winner. Our forthcoming book presents several strategies that would certainly…

Russia revamps GRU spy network to ‘disrupt adversaries’
Unlock the Editor’s Digest for freeRoula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.Russia’s secret services are aggressively pursuing regime change and destabilisation across Europe, Africa and the Middle East, according to a report from a western think-tank. As part of a revamp sparked by Russia’s invasion of…

Major Texas newspaper endorses Joe Biden
A number of Republican and MAGA figures have reacted angrily after The Houston Chronicle, one of the biggest newspapers in Texas, endorsed President Joe Biden.The Houston Chronicle’s editorial board said they would be backing Biden in the Democratic primary and for re-election so he can “make life better” for the American people as well as prevent the…

Russian spies are back—and more dangerous than ever
IT IS UNUSUAL for spymasters to taunt their rivals openly. But last month Bill Burns, the director of the CIA, could not resist observing that the war in Ukraine had been a boon for his agency. “The undercurrent of disaffection [among Russians] is creating a once-in-a-generation recruiting opportunity for the CIA,” he wrote in Foreign Affairs. “We’re…

Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do.
Ах Путин, душка, как он мил: он Джо Байдена полюбил! – GS -Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump – AP News › article › russia-putin-biden-trump-… 5 days ago — President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 20, 2024 -…

Как Горбачёва сделали Генеральным секретарем. Закулисная политическая борьба 1984-85 года
Считается, что назначение Михаила Сергеевича на высшую должность руководителя страны было безальтернативным и безоговорочным. Но это не правда. Еще при жизни Черненко на протяжении нескольких месяцев в Политбюро закулисно обсуждались разные кандидатуры преемника. Кроме Горбачева назывались кандидатуры Гришина, Громыко, Романова, Тихонова и Щербицкого….

50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics]
50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics] PLAYaudio presents 50 of the greatest Jazz Classics of all time in one compilation. 00:00:00 All of Me 3′ 05″ MARKS G.,SIMONS S. LA DOLCE VITA JAZZ QUARTET 00:03:04 Dream A Little Dream of Me 2′ 50″ KAHN G.,ANDRE F.,SCHWANDT W. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO 00:05:54 Lover Man 5′ 45″ SHERMAN…
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – Napoleon Northwest Signal
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  Napoleon Northwest Signal
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – KTBS
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  KTBS
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey –
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey
VIDEO: NYPD cops attacked making arrest at Randall’s Island migrant shelter – New York Daily News
VIDEO: NYPD cops attacked making arrest at Randall’s Island migrant shelter  New York Daily News
NYPD: Robbers steal $51,000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – News 12 Hudson Valley
NYPD: Robbers steal $51,000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  News 12 Hudson Valley

США наложили вето на резолюцию ООН по перемирию в Газе
США наложили вето на поддержанную арабами резолюцию ООН, требующую немедленного гуманитарного прекращения огня в войне между Израилем и ХАМАС в охваченном боевыми действиями секторе Газа.

Лавров: Отношения между Москвой и Каракасом вышли на стратегический уровень
Отношения межу Россией и Венесуэлой вышли на уровень стратегического партнерства. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров по итогам переговоров с исполнительными вице-президентов Венесуэлы Делси Родригес и главой МИД республики Иваном Хилем.

Шойгу: С прошлого года на службу по контракту набрано 590 тысяч человек
Почти 540 тысяч человек поступили на военную службу по контракту в Вооруженные силы РФ в 2023 году, это позволило создать две резервные армии и шесть дивизий. Об этом во вторник вечером после доклада президенту рассказал журналистам министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу.
Police need better strategies for domestic violence. – Baltimore Sun
Police need better strategies for domestic violence.  Baltimore Sun
@mikenov: RT @nypost: COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders
COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders — New York Post (@nypost) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @nypost: COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders first appeared on Links…
@mikenov: RT @IDF: Over the past 24hrs, IDF troops in Gaza: 🔺Continued intensive operations in western Khan Yunis and central Gaza and eliminated do…
Over the past 24hrs, IDF troops in Gaza: Continued intensive operations in western Khan Yunis and central Gaza and eliminated dozens of terrorists, including by directing IAF aircraft and through tank and sniper fire. Directed the IAF to strike a Hamas weapons storage… — Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) February 20, 2024…
@mikenov: RT @nypost: Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’…
Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’ — New York Post (@nypost) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @nypost: Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’…
@mikenov: RT @USApoRusski: .@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии крепче, чем когда-либо прежде. Мы продолжим вместе с на…
.@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии крепче, чем когда-либо прежде. Мы продолжим вместе с нашими союзниками по НАТО поддерживать Украину. — США по-русски (@USApoRusski) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @USApoRusski: .@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии…
@mikenov: RT @SkyNews: US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure…
US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure — Sky News (@SkyNews) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @SkyNews: US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure… first appeared on…
@MoscowTimes: The “undesirable” designation bans RFE/RL’s work inside Russia, puts staff members at risk of jail time and criminalizes engagement with the outlet, including sharing its content online.
The “undesirable” designation bans RFE/RL’s work inside Russia, puts staff members at risk of jail time and criminalizes engagement with the outlet, including sharing its content online.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024
@MoscowTimes: Revisiting some of the opposition figure’s most impactful exposés, from ducks at Medvedev’s lavish estate and corgis on private jets to Putin’s palace and Navalny’s own poisoning.
Revisiting some of the opposition figure’s most impactful exposés, from ducks at Medvedev’s lavish estate and corgis on private jets to Putin’s palace and Navalny’s own poisoning.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024
@MoscowTimes: The far-right Russian Volunteer Corps claimed it planned to “fight off” a prison convoy that transferred Alexei Navalny to an Arctic prison in December, but the jailbreak was thwarted by “effective” security precautions taken by law enforcement agents.
The far-right Russian Volunteer Corps claimed it planned to “fight off” a prison convoy that transferred Alexei Navalny to an Arctic prison in December, but the jailbreak was thwarted by “effective” security precautions taken by law enforcement agents.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024

Trump launches his own sneaker brand after being fined $355 million for business fraud
Donald Trump has taken a new step after a New York court fined him $355 million for business fraud last Friday. Showing his entrepreneurial side, the former U.S. president and Republican front-runner for the November presidential election has devised a new way of making money from his supporters: he is launching his own brand of sneakers called Trump…
Russia-Ukraine war | Russia takes control of Avdiivka plant – WION
Russia-Ukraine war | Russia takes control of Avdiivka plant  WION
Former Obama FBI official warns of terror threat posed by ‘adult males’ crossing border – KOMO News
Former Obama FBI official warns of terror threat posed by ‘adult males’ crossing border  KOMO News
El Paso FBI arrests ‘La Chely’ in suspected Santa Muerte killings – El Paso Times
El Paso FBI arrests ‘La Chely’ in suspected Santa Muerte killings  El Paso Times
Former Obama FBI official warns of terror threat posed by ‘adult males’ crossing border –
Former Obama FBI official warns of terror threat posed by ‘adult males’ crossing border
Pike County man arrested over child porn in joint FBI-local task force probe –
Pike County man arrested over child porn in joint FBI-local task force probe

Шойгу заявил об отсутствии успеха Запада в проведенных им операциях
Западные страны не возымели успеха при проведении военных операций на территориях Афганистана, Ирака и других стран.

Шойгу: работа по «Посейдону» и «Сармату» находится на этапе завершения
Работы по комплексам «Пересвет», «Посейдон», «Сармат» находятся на завершающей стадии, сообщил глава Минобороны РФ.

Путин поддержал идею упростить переезд иностранцам, разделяющим ценности РФ
В европейских странах многие люди придерживаются традиционных взглядов, заявил президент РФ.


Россия захватила Авдеевку – Украина проигрывает войну на истощение?
Подразделения ВСУ покинули Авдеевку. Захват города стал успехом для Путина. Западные эксперты предполагают, что, захватив Авдеевку, Кремль попытается развить успех. Украина на этом фоне все больше ощущает нехватку боеприпасов. Республиканцы в Конгрессе США уже несколько недель блокируют принятие решения о выделении Киеву новой помощи. #Авдеевка #ВСУ…
@mvhaydencenter: RT @thecipherbrief: OPINION — As we approach the April 2024 expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA),…
OPINION — As we approach the April 2024 expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), it is heartening to see a robust debate in Congress on how the US government and its commercial partners can balance the imperatives of safeguarding the privacy…— The Cipher Brief (@thecipherbrief) February…

Putin, Tucker, and US Elections 2024 – GS – Saved Articles: Kremlin Cronies: Putin-Tucker Interview Will ‘Blow Up’ U.S. Election – via
Putin, Tucker, and US Elections 2024 – GSSaved ArticlesKremlin Cronies: Putin-Tucker Interview Will ‘Blow Up’ U.S. Electionposted at 08:02:46 UTC via Julia Davis@JuliaDavisNewsTucker Carlson’s trip to Russia came as a shock to many, except for the Russian propagandists who have been lobbying for the fulfillment of his long-standing…

Tweets: Will Tucker Carlson bring home some useful Russian tricks for his friend Donald to use this election cycle?
@mikenov: RT @Robert4787: I’m still reeling from Tucker Carlson praising Putin’s leadership style in 2018- “Why do I care what is going on in the con…I’m still reeling from Tucker Carlson praising Putin’s leadership style in 2018- “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia, which I…

Putin and Israeli Hostages: I took them, and I will give them back! My honest BEARDED word! – Путин: Я их взял, Я их и отдам! Моё честное бородатое слово!
Putin says Russia is working to free hostages in Gaza conflictposted at 13:00:17 UTC via reuters.comRussian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with government members via a video link in Moscow, Russia, February 7, 2024. Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via REUTERS Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabFeb 7 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin told…

Putin says Russia is working to free hostages in Gaza conflict … Putin Assures Jewish Leaders On Hostages … South Caucasus Turns Away From Russia Toward Middle East …
Putin and Israeli Hostages: I took them, and I will give them back! My honest BEARDED word! -Путин: Я их взял, Я их и отдам! Моё честное бородатое слово!Россия #Путин— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 8, 2024 – Selected Articles – The News And TimesPutin Assures Jewish Leaders On Hostages Held…

Putin Assures Jewish Leaders On Hostages Held By Hamas; ‘Specific Results Achieved…’ | Watch – Saved Web Pages Review – 2:23 PM 2/8/2024
 Зеленский отправил в отставку главкома ВСУ Валерия Залужного. Новым главнокомандующим назначен Александр Сырскийposted at 17:41:11 UTC via currenttime.tvВладимир Зеленский отправил в отставку главкома ВСУ Валерия Залужного. Новым главнокомандующим Вооруженных сил Украины назначен командующий Сухопутными войсками генерал-полковник Александр Сырский….

Putin – Carlson interview 2024: The big problem with Tucker Carlson’s hyped Putin interview – WP … What did Vladimir Putin say to Tucker Carlson? Five key takeaways … Hillary Clinton reacts to announcement Carlson will interview Putin: He’s a ‘useful idiot’
 Putin – Carlson interview 2024 – GSSaved Web Pages Review – The News And Times – TheNewsAndTimes.comThe big problem with Tucker Carlson’s hyped Putin interviewTucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow should have been a big win for both of them.For Putin, it was a chance to explain his justification for the Russian…

Путинские Частушки
–Путинские ЧастушкиМальчик Вова Весел снова,Полон сил он, и у дел: К нему Карлсон прилетел!Поднялись они на Крышу Что всех звёзд Кремлёвских выше И вели свой разговор: Что почём, и кто есть ворРазговор был исторический, задушевный и лирический:…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 9, 2024 -PostSee new postsConversationMichael…

Analysis: Netanyahu and the Israeli Security Services take the easy way out …
 PostSee new postsConversationMichael Novakhov@mikenovAnalysis: Netanyahu and the Israeli Security Services take the easy way out in assigning responsibility for October 7, 2023 Attack: they DISPLACE the blame and their rage from the Putin’s Russian Wagner Group, with its fingerprints all over the place onto the Gaza population most of which may have…

Essential questions about the Russia-Hamas link: The evidence and its implications … War on Gaza: Hillary Clinton says Netanyahu ‘absolutely needs to go’ … The legacy of Russia’s Wagner will live on … The big problem with Tucker Carlson’s hyped Putin interview
Essential questions about the Russia-Hamas link: The evidence and its implicationsposted at 10:35:52 UTC via mei.eduAs the war in Gaza continues to unfold, essential questions about Russian and Iranian support for Hamas remain. They include whether Russia played any role in providing support to Hamas ahead of its Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Evidence available…

What is Russia’s role in the Israel-Gaza crisis? And other Saved Articles
What is Russia’s role in the Israel-Gaza crisis?posted at 07:18:14 UTC via brookings.eduKEVIN HUGGARD:What was Russia’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before Oct. 7? What was its approach to Hamas?FIONA HILL:The Russian approach has changed over time. During the Soviet period and the Cold War, there was a great deal of hostility toward…

PUTIN – CARLSON STORY: Талант Учителя Истории (или её версии) и талант Президента России – это разные вещи. Российские Общественные Науки – запущены, Историография не осмыслила в должной глубине события и их значения. Это не КГБ-ешные справки собирать у своих помощников. “Не обманешь – не продашь” – эта традиционная национальная Русско-Татарская черта (Путин – Рязанский Татарин) очевидна, но Западный Воробей – стрелянный и перестрелянный, его на ПСЕВДО-ИСТОРИЧЕСКОЙ мякине не проведёшь. Этот “урок истории” был скорее всего рассчитан на домашнюю аудиторию, перед выборами.
 PUTIN – CARLSON STORYPostSee new postsConversationMichael Novakhov@mikenov… И причём: Советской Средней Школы. Талант Учителя Истории (или её версии) и талант Президента России – это разные вещи. Российские Общественные Науки – запущены, Историография не осмыслила в должной глубине события…

“TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT!” – Tweets Review – 8:58 AM 2/12/2024 – “TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT!” The News And Times Review #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 12, 2024 –  Tweets – The News And Times Review…

Exclusive: Putin’s suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources say – NYTimes
Exclusive: Putin’s suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources sayposted on Feb 13 2024 17:58:39 UTC via reuters.comRussian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the Security Council via video link at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia February 13, 2024. Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool…

FBI Director Wray makes surprise Israel stop amid ‘elevated threat picture’
9:03 AM 2/15/2024FBI Director Wray makes surprise Israel stop amid ‘elevated threat picture’posted at 13:50:05 UTC via foxnews.comFBI Director Christopher Wray made an unannounced trip to Israel, where he sat in on intelligence meetings before speaking to Fox News.Wray’s visit was his first time on the ground in Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. The…

All together, ONCE AGAIN, the Kansas City shooting 2024 may point to the Russian – Jewish – Israeli MOB, which runs the show here, and for quite a long time, already. The overall message may be: “You deal with your problems: mass shootings, and we will deal with ours: October 7 and the Gaza War.”
The Kansas City shooting 2024 may point to the Russian – Jewish – Israeli MOB, which runs the show here, and for quite a long time …PostSee new postsConversationMichael Novakhov@mikenovOne thing, “Gang beef and gang shooting” (on a masking surface), DOES NOT EXCLUDE THE OTHER: Intelligence Services’ (Russian or Israeli, it seems to me) involvement…

My Opinion in Tweets: I think that the Navalny’s death is the deliberate murder, possibly from the blunt head trauma arranged by his prisoners shortly before his death. Men in their 40-s rarely die from the “natural causes”. I suspect that it was possibly done to prevent including him in the list for prisoners exchange. The circumstances around his death have to be carefully investigated (by whom?). The patho-anatomical study has to be independent. The West failed to rescue and save him. This is also a lesson in brutality of Putin’s regime.
Search inside imagePutin’s Twisted New Torment for Alexei Navalny His Political Nemesis Visit Tweets – The News And Times Review – The News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu…

Essential News Review – 2.18.24
 Essential News ReviewAll Articles News ReviewAll Articles News Review – EV – The News And Times – from Michael Novakhov = 100All Articles = 100 – News Review – The News And Times – from Michael NovakhovAll Articles News Review – The News And Times – 500 PostsRSS – All Articles News Review in English and Russian from The News And TimesSelected ArticlesSelected…

Putin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu As Israel Plans Rafah Op | Report … Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to “finish the job” against Hamas
 Selected Articles – The News And TimesPutin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu As Israel Plans Rafah Op | ReportPublished on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the…

Search inside imageRussian Fascist Party – WikipediaVisitRussia was and still is enslaved by the FASCIST KGB, under whatever names it is now. Putin is just their front man and figurehead, struggling to project power and stay relevant. This is the essence. DESTROY THE FASCIST RUSSIA AND ITS FASCIST KGB! OR THEY WILL DESTROY YOU! It is that simple.The…

DESTROY THE FASCIST RUSSIA AND ITS FASCIST KGB!— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 20, 2024

Opinion | We Should Say It. Russia Is Fascist. (Published 2022)
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTCredit…Illustration by The New York Times; Photographs by Clive Rose, Alexander Nemenov and Kirill Kudryavtsev, via Getty ImagesBy Timothy Snyder阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版Leer en españolFascism was never defeated as an idea.As a cult of irrationality and violence, it could not be vanquished as an argument: So long as Nazi Germany seemed strong,…

The TRUTH is the Solution and the Healer. It will set free both the Arabs and the Jews.”An arrangement with the Palestinians will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.” Then start these negotiations, and now: with Abbas and others. Delays will not achieve anything. If you want the unitary…
German central bank warns of recession, citing strikes – DW (English)
German central bank warns of recession, citing strikes  DW (English)

@Xudozhnikipoeti: RT @seksiludi: Аарон Вестерберг (Aaron Westerberg)
Аарон Вестерберг (Aaron Westerberg) — американский художник— Секси (@seksiludi) February 18, 2024

Biden blasts Republicans for ‘big mistake’ with Russia
US President Joe Biden said House Republicans are “making a big mistake” in not responding to Russian aggression with more security funding for Ukraine. Biden added he’s willing to meet with House Speaker Mike Johnson about the matter “if he has anything to say.” #CNN #News
At Least 166 Christians Arrested in Iran Last Year for Their Faith – IranWire |
At Least 166 Christians Arrested in Iran Last Year for Their Faith  IranWire |

Chilling video shows Hamas’s youngest hostage Kfir Bibas and his mother being led through Gaza streets on October 7 – as family holds out hope they are still alive
The IDF released footage from inside the Gaza Strip that shows Hamas terrorists taking Shiri Bibas and her two children to a home in the east of Khan Younis

Poland launches Pegasus spyware probe
WARSAW — The Polish parliament on Monday launched an investigation into whether the former government misused Pegasus hacking software to spy on its political opponents. Setting up the Pegasus probe was one of the current government’s top campaign pledges ahead of October’s general election. The use of the Israeli surveillance…

Netanyahu: Israel will maintain full security control over Gaza Strip, West Bank
“With or without a permanent settlement, Israel will maintain full security control over the entire area west of Jordan,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.”This, of course, includes Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip,” he clarified. 

Putin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu As Israel Plans Rafah Op | Report
Published on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the Kremlin spokesperson as saying that Abbas has an open invitation. The development comes at a time when Russia…
Former mafia member claims CIA put hit out on JFK with the mob – Irish Star
Former mafia member claims CIA put hit out on JFK with the mob  Irish Star
Matthew Bryza describes Munich meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders as positive development – AZERTAC News
Matthew Bryza describes Munich meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders as positive development  AZERTAC News
Erdoğan urges Aliyev to avoid tensions with Armenia – TurkishMinute
Erdoğan urges Aliyev to avoid tensions with Armenia  TurkishMinute
The pope’s problem with today’s seminarians and young priests – La Croix International
The pope’s problem with today’s seminarians and young priests  La Croix International

President of Azerbaijan: Türkiye is influential on global scale today
Türkiye is influential on a global scale today. Not only in our region but also worldwide, many issues depend on Türkiye’s position

Azerbaijani and Turkish presidents make press statements
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan made press statements

Pashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev have met on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in their first direct talks in over seven months. Saturday’s meeting was mediated by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who met with both Pashinyan and Aliyev individually beforehand. All three meetings were focused…
Pashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference – OC Media
Pashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference  OC Media

Biden to give chip maker $1.5 billion to expand U.S. production
GlobalFoundries intends to use funding to help pay for construction of new advanced chip factory in Malta, New York, and revitalize its plant in Burlington, Vermont.

Putin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu As Israel Plans Rafah Op | Report
Published on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the Kremlin spokesperson as saying that Abbas has an open invitation. The development comes at a time when Russia is locked…

Crimes by illegal migrants spike in Western countries: A wake-up call | Dark World
The chemical attack in London and the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl in Italy have brought back the focus on the rising crimes committed by illegal migrants in Western countries. There has been an influx of illegal migration in the West for several years and crimes such as rape, terrorism, and theft are on the rise. WION’s Harshit Sabarwal tells you…
@mikenov: That what the problem is! #FBI – FBI HIRES former KGB agents and informants
That what the problem is!#FBI – FBI HIRES former KGB agents and informants – Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 19, 2024 The post @mikenov: That what the problem is! #FBI – FBI HIRES former KGB agents and informants first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence…
Jake Sullivan says the U.S. is engaging with allies, and Russia, on the space threat – North Country Public Radio
Jake Sullivan says the U.S. is engaging with allies, and Russia, on the space threat  North Country Public RadioThe post Jake Sullivan says the U.S. is engaging with allies, and Russia, on the space threat – North Country Public Radio first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.
How Biden Can Win – The Nation
How Biden Can Win  The Nation

Wagner Group soldiers arrive in occupied Dzhankoi, Crimea – photo
The Atesh underground resistance movement has stated that many new Russian soldiers arrived in Dzhankoi in temporarily occupied Crimea, some of them wearing Wagner Group patches.Source: Atesh on TelegramQuote from Atesh: “Among those who just arrived, we noticed the signs of the notorious Wagner Group.Photo: Atesh on Telegram. COLLAGE: UPWe also spotted…
Wagner Group soldiers arrive in occupied Dzhankoi, Crimea – photo – Yahoo News
Wagner Group soldiers arrive in occupied Dzhankoi, Crimea – photo  Yahoo News
This Is The Next Trump Case That Could Punish Him Financially – Forbes
This Is The Next Trump Case That Could Punish Him Financially  Forbes

A look at Trump’s mounting legal troubles as South Carolina Republican primary nears
With the South Carolina Republican presidential primary looming, former President Donald Trump is facing more legal troubles after he is ordered by a New York City court to pay over $350 million in penalties for fraud.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to “finish the job” against Hamas
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to “finish the job” of destroying Hamas and rescuing hostages as Israeli forces gears up for a possible ground assault in Rafah, in southern Gaza.

Mystery still surrounds circumstances of Alexey Navalny’s death in Russian prison
More than 350 people were arrested over the weekend in Russia as they mourned the death of opposition leader Alexey Navalny in a prison camp. Russian officials say he died suddenly but they have not released his body or announced the cause of his death.

The latest on the Israel-Hamas war
War cabinet minister Benny Gantz said Israeli forces would expand military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah if hostages held by Hamas are not returned by the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.Some Palestinians have fled Rafah for the central city of Deir al-Balah, but strikes there killed dozens of people over the weekend, according…

Urban warfare expert says Israeli military taking unprecedented steps to protect Gaza civilians
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Putin’s Assassin Toolkit Claims Navalny
Navalny’s sudden death carries all the hallmarks of the Putin regime. The Kremlin won’t take responsibility because it doesn’t need to. Every time a Putin opponent is killed — a journalist, a politician, or an activist — the Kremlin presents the same line of defense: the victim was so insignificant that Putin would hardly have bothered to bloody his…

Another ‘trusted’ FBI informant discredited, renewing concerns over bureau’s vetting
The unexpected federal indictment Thursday of an FBI informant at the center of one of the Biden impeachment allegations created whiplash inside the media and Congress. After all, just a few short months earlier, FBI Director Christopher Wray had vouched for the source, Alexander Smirnov, telling lawmakers his name shouldn’t be disclosed because he…
The FBI has arrested a Capitol riot suspect who boasted on TV that she ‘would do it again tomorrow’ – AOL
The FBI has arrested a Capitol riot suspect who boasted on TV that she ‘would do it again tomorrow’  AOL
Jeffrey Epstein victims sue FBI for alleged failure to investigate ‘sex trafficking ring for the elite’ – FOX 10 News Phoenix
Jeffrey Epstein victims sue FBI for alleged failure to investigate ‘sex trafficking ring for the elite’  FOX 10 News Phoenix

Trump rails against New York fraud ruling as he faces fines that could exceed half-a-billion dollars
He has also repeatedly cast them as an attack on his supporters. “These repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me, they’re really an …

Egypt’s response to Rafah attacks | WION Wideangle
For almost half a century, the Camp David Accords signed in 1978 between Egypt and Israel, has been viewed by many as a cornerstone of regional stability. But after Israel attacked Rafah and with the risk of Israel’s invasion increasing, Egypt threatened to suspend the peace treaty it signed in 1979. Let’s rewind and tell you about how the peace treaty…

Will there be any ceasefire after Rafah attacks? | WION Wideangle
Pressure is mounting on Israel for ceasefire. Several leaders from the United States, Australia, Canada, UK, EU, Jordan joined growing calls for Israel to pause and back off from a planned ground offensive in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, urging a humanitarian ceasefire. #Ceasefire #Rafah #Israel About Channel: WION The World is One News…

Israel’s fifth column
Israel is ignoring the tremendous toll of homegrown pro-enemy propaganda on Israel’s diplomatic and military position abroad and at home. Why is this allowed during a war? Op-ed.
G7 countries accuse Russia of nuclear blackmail – APA
G7 countries accuse Russia of nuclear blackmail  APA
Statement on the Passing of Alexey Navalny by Ambassador Lynne Tracy – U.S. Embassy Moscow
Statement on the Passing of Alexey Navalny by Ambassador Lynne Tracy  U.S. Embassy Moscow

Под Краснодаром мужчина из-за наследства подложил бомбу родственнику
Жителей нескольких многоэтажек эвакуировали.
Ex-US government informant gets life over Haiti president’s murder – Yahoo News Canada
Ex-US government informant gets life over Haiti president’s murder  Yahoo News Canada
Vladimir Putin Surprising Endorsement: Preferring Joe Biden in 2024 US Election | World News – Times of India
Vladimir Putin Surprising Endorsement: Preferring Joe Biden in 2024 US Election | World News  Times of India
Biden blames ‘congressional inaction’ for Ukrainian withdrawal of key town in call with Zelensky –
Biden blames ‘congressional inaction’ for Ukrainian withdrawal of key town in call with Zelensky
Russia’s last politician: Navalny’s death is an important milestone, which shows that Russia cannot get rid of Putin’s … – The Insider
Russia’s last politician: Navalny’s death is an important milestone, which shows that Russia cannot get rid of Putin’s …  The Insider
Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling – The Wall Street Journal
Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling  The Wall Street JournalThe post Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling – The Wall Street Journal first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
Trump’s legal woes have now set him back by more than $500m – how will he pay? – The Guardian US
Trump’s legal woes have now set him back by more than $500m – how will he pay?  The Guardian USThe post Trump’s legal woes have now set him back by more than $500m – how will he pay? – The Guardian US first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
‘Yes Jared, we’re still doing this’: Tapper reacts to Kushner’s comments about Saudi crown prince – MSN
‘Yes Jared, we’re still doing this’: Tapper reacts to Kushner’s comments about Saudi crown prince  MSNThe post ‘Yes Jared, we’re still doing this’: Tapper reacts to Kushner’s comments about Saudi crown prince – MSN first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
Israel-Gaza war: Latest ceasefire talks not very promising – Qatar –
Israel-Gaza war: Latest ceasefire talks not very promising – Qatar  BBC.comHamas leader Haniyeh blames Israel for Gaza ceasefire delays  Al Jazeera EnglishMediator says talks on Gaza not ‘progressing as expected’ after momentum in recent weeks  The Associated Press
Netanyahu Dismisses Early Election Calls As Thousands Protest In Israel – NDTV
Netanyahu Dismisses Early Election Calls As Thousands Protest In Israel  NDTV
Netanyahu halted Gaza truce talks over ‘delusional’ Hamas demands – The Union Leader
Netanyahu halted Gaza truce talks over ‘delusional’ Hamas demands  The Union Leader
Russia’s Dangerous New Friends: How Moscow Is Partnering With the Axis of Resistance – Foreign Affairs Magazine
Russia’s Dangerous New Friends: How Moscow Is Partnering With the Axis of Resistance  Foreign Affairs Magazine
Israel Hits Iran’s Gas Pipelines – Officials – EA WorldView
Israel Hits Iran’s Gas Pipelines – Officials  EA WorldView
Benjamin Netanyahu remains defiant over criticism of possible Rafah offensive – Sky News
Benjamin Netanyahu remains defiant over criticism of possible Rafah offensive  Sky News
Talks stalled as Netanyahu calls Hamas demands ‘delusional’ – Yahoo News
Talks stalled as Netanyahu calls Hamas demands ‘delusional’  Yahoo News

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Wolfson is the founder of Bank Otkritie – Google Search

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @OCCRP: U.K. authorities have frozen $50 million worth of real estate owned by an Azerbaijani lawmaker they say may have bought 22 Londo…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Vadim Belyaev

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @anneapplebaum: And now Russia wants a secret funeral, because even in death Navalny threatens Putin

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @Gerashchenko_en: Denmark and Ukraine have signed a security agreement in Lviv today. The document ensures Danish military help of at l…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @ukraine_map: The US 🇺🇸 is working to send ATACMS missiles for 300km to Ukraine 🇺🇦 the US National Security Council Coordinator John Kir…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @khodorkovsky_en: Why the world must declare Russia’s presidential election illegitimate: 1. Voting in occupied territories 2. Unlawful…

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: RT @haaretzcom: Blinken says settlements are “inconsistent with international law” after Israel announces plan to build thousands of new ho…