Categories (@mikenov) / Twitter @mikenov: The News And Times #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel Israel #World World #USA USA #POTUS POTUS #DOJ DOJ #FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIA #ODNI ODNI Putin Russia #Putin #Russia #GRU GRU 5:51 AM 11/27/2023 Post author By Mike Nova Post date November 27, 2023 The News And Times #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel Israel #World World #USA USA#POTUS POTUS #DOJ DOJ #FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIA #ODNI ODNI Putin Russia #Putin #Russia #GRU GRU 5:51 AM 11/27/2023 — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) November 27, 2023 ← @mikenov: The Wagner attack on the Re’im music festival is also the Putin’s response to the reports of “gay super soldiers” in Ukraine. Putin The Homophobe could not let it slide unnoticed. – A civil-partnership bill is being delayed and homophobic voices are… → @mikenov: Friendly Fires in Hamas – Wagner Attack 2023 were DELIBERATELY provoked by the Wagner Group. It was a revenge for their own friendly fires losses in the Ukraine war, which they blamed on the Israeli secret electronic warfare help – Google Search